在Bioresource Technology、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Pollution、Science of the Total Environment、Chemosphere、Biology and Fertility of Soils、Geoderma、Plant and Soil、作物学报、土壤学报、生态学报、中国农业科学、植物营养与肥料学报等国内外知名期刊发表论文200多篇,其中SCI收录80余篇。近2年通讯作者代表论文如下:
1.Yunhong Zhang, Huagang Huang, Juan Zhan, Haiying Yu, Daihua Ye, Xizhou Zhang, Zicheng Zheng, Yongdong Wang, Tingxuan Li*. Indigenous rhizosphere microbial community characteristics of the phytostabilizer Athyrium wardii (Hook.) grown in a Pb/Zn mine tailing[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 308: 136552. (IF=8.943)
2.Keji Wang, Yu Haiying, Xizhou Zhang, Daihua Ye, Huagang Huang, Yongdong Wang, Zicheng Zheng, Tingxuan Li*. A transcriptomic view of cadmium retention in roots of cadmium-safe rice line (Oryza sativa L.)[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 418: 126379. (IF=10.588)
3.Haiying Yu, Yunhong Zhang, Juan Zhan, Chan Tang, Xizhou Zhang, Huagang Huang, Daihua Ye, Yongdong Wang, Tingxuan Li*. A composite amendment benefits rice (Oryza sativa L.) safety and production in cadmium-contaminated soils by unique characteristics after oxidation modification[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 806: 150484. (IF=7.963)
4.Jingyi Guo, Daihua Ye, Xizhou Zhang, Huagang Huang, Yongdong Wang, Zicheng Zheng, Tingxuan Li*, Haiying Yu*. Characterization of Cd accumulation in the cell walls of leaves in a low-cadmium rice line and strengthening by foliar silicon application[J]. Chemosphere, 2021: 132374. (IF=7.086)
5.Ju Zhan, Huagang Huang, Haiying Yu, Xizhou Zhang, Zicheng Zheng, Yongdong Wang, Tao Liu, Tingxuan Li*. The combined effects of Cd and Pb enhanced metal binding by root cell walls of the phytostabilizer Athyrium wardii (Hook.)[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2020. (IF=5.724)
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土壤学(十二五规划教材). 北京: 中国农业出版社, 2006, 副主编
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植物营养学(十一五规划教材). 北京: 中国林业出版社, 2004, 参编
作物生产新理论与新技术. 成都: 四川大学出版社, 2001, 参编