赵小玲 更新日期:2023/6/5 1
工作单位 动物科技学院
行政职务 动物科技学院副院长
电子邮箱 zhaoxiaoling04@163.com
招生专业 博士:090501动物遗传育种与繁殖095100农业,学硕:090501动物遗传育种与繁殖,专硕:095133畜牧
汉族,重庆璧山人,博士研究生学历。四川省学术与技术带头人,四川省畜禽遗传资源委员会成员,中国畜牧兽医学会家禽分会常务理事。2011.5-2012.5美国弗吉尼亚理工动物科学系访问学者。任现职以来,发表SCI论文100余篇,授权专利50余项。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、四川省十二五育种攻关项目、四川省科技厅科技成果转化项目、四川省教育厅应用基础项目、市校合作项目、校企合作项目等十余项。获得四川省教学成果一等奖1项、国家科技进步奖二等奖1项、省科技进步奖二等奖3项 。
1. 国家级新品种-天府肉鸡配套系,2018年。
1.Rearing system influences the testicular development, semen quality and spermatogenic cell apoptosis of layer roosters[J].Poult Sci, 2021.
2.Combination of quercetin and vitamin E supplementation promotes yolk precursor synthesis and follicle development in aging breeder hens via liver-blood-ovary signal axis[J].Animals, 2021.
3.A functional polymorphism of inhibin alpha subunit at miR?181b-1-3p-binding site regulates proliferation and apoptosis of chicken ovarian granular cells[J].Cell and Tissue Research,2021.
4.Bamboo leaf flavone changed the community of cecum microbiota and improved the immune function in broilers[J].Scientific Reports,2020.
5.High Expression of miR-204 in Chicken Atrophic Ovaries Promotes Granulosa Cell Apoptosis and Inhibits Autophagy[J].Frontiers in cell and developmental biology,2020.
6.Sexual Maturity Promotes Yolk Precursor Synthesis and Follicle Development in Hens via Liver-Blood Ovary Signal Axis[J].Animals,2020
7.Inhibin A regulates follicular development via hormone secretion and granulosa cell behaviors in laying hen[J].CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH,2020.
8.Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-coactivator 1-beta (PGC-1β) modulates the expression of genes involved in adipogenesis during preadipocyte differentiation[J].Gene, 2020.
9.Polymorphisms in the Egl nine homolog 3 (EGLN3) and Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-alpha (PPARα) genes and their correlation with hypoxia adaptation in Tibetan chickens[J].PLoS One,2018.
10.A non-synonymous SNP with the allele frequency correlated with the altitude may contribute to the hypoxia adaptation of Tibetan chicken[J].Plos One,2017.
11.High-altitude adaptation of Tibetan chicken from MT-COI and ATP-6 perspective[J].Mitochondrial DNA,2016.
12.Housing systems interacting with sex and genetic line affect broiler growth and carcass traits[J].Poultry Science,2015.
13.Genetic Variation of Nine Chicken Breeds Collected from Different Altitudes Revealed by Microsatellites[J].The Journal of Poultry Science,2016.
14.Confined housing system increased abdominal and subcutaneous fat deposition and gene expressions of carbohydrate response element-binding protein and sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 in chicken[J].Genetics and Molecular Research,2015.
15.Effects of dietary lysine levels on carcass performance and biochemical characteristics of Chinese local broilers[J].Italian Journal of Animal Science,2015.
16.Polymorphisms in the Perilipin Gene May Affect Carcass Traits of Chinese Meat-type Chickens[J].Asian-Australas J Anim Sci,2015.
17.Delayed feeding after hatch caused compensatory increases in blood glucose concentration in fed chicks from low but not high body weight lines[J].Poultry Science,2014.
18.Housing system affects broiler characteristics of local Chinese breed reciprocal crosses[J].Poultry Science,2012.
19.Phenotypic responses of chickens to long-term selection for high or low antibody titers to sheep red blood cells[J].Poultry Science,2012.
20.Tissue-specific expression of the chicken adipose differentiation-related protein (ADP) gene[J].Molecular Biology Reports,2010.
21.Association of Polymorphisms of Chicken Adipose Differentiation-related Protein Gene with Carcass Traits[J].Journal of Poultry Science,2009.