谢九龙 更新日期:2023-06-09
工作单位 分析测试中心
行政职务 林学院综合实验室主任
单位电话 028-86291256
电子邮箱 jxie6@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 学硕:0907Z1木材科学与家具设计,专硕:095400林业
四川农业大学林学院副教授,美国路易斯安那州立大学工学博士,四川农业大学农学博士,目前承担木材学、生物质能源、森林火灾预防、木材功能性改良等本科、研究生课程教学工作,主要从事林木资源热化学转化利用研究,在ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Industrial Crops&Products等期刊发表SCI收录论文30余篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目1项。
2021.07 至 今,四川农业大学林学院,副教授,综合实验室主任;
1. 人工林木材固碳增汇与优质木材培育技术研究;
2. 木竹材微波清洁加工利用技术研究;
3. 林木生物质资源热化学转化利用技术研究。
[1]Youmei Wang, Huijuan Shao, Hui Pan, Yongze Jiang, Jinqiu Qi, Qi Chen, Shaobo Zhang, Hui Xiao, Yuzhu Chen, Shanshan Jia, Xingyan Huang, Lihua Tu, Zhiping Su, Jiulong Xie. Supramolecular structure of microwave treated bamboo for production of lignin-containing nanocellulose by oxalic acid dihydrate. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023, 230, 123251.通讯作者
[2]Jiulong Xie, Huijuan Shao, Yongze Jiang, Jinqiu Qi, Shaobo Zhang, Hui Xiao, Yuzhu Chen, Shanshan Jia, Xingyan Huang, Qi Chen. A comparison study on methylene-blue adsorption between moso bamboo fiber and parenchyma cells. Wood Material Science&Engineering. 2023, DOI:?10.1080/17480272.2023.2178972.
[3]Huijuan Shao, Yongjian Zhang, Hui Pan, Yongze Jiang, Jinqiu Qi, Hui Xiao, Shaobo Zhang, Tiantian Lin, Lihua Tu, Jiulong Xie. Preparation of flexible and UV-blocking films from lignin-containing cellulose incorporated with tea polyphenol/citric acid. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2022, 207: 917-926.通讯作者
[4]Lu He, Lin Chen, Huijuan Shao, Jinqiu Qi, Yongze Jiang, Hui Xiao, Yuzhu Chen, Xingyan Huang, Jiulong Xie. Microstructure and physicochemical properties of the anisotropic moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) surface. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2022, 80, 277-288.通讯作者
[5]Huijuan Shao, Lu He, Lu Xiang, Kai Tang, Xiangzhong Li, Jinqiu Qi, Jiulong Xie. Transparent and UV-absorbing nanocellulose films prepared by directly dissolving microwave liquefied bamboo in TBAA/DMSO co-solvent system. Industrial Crops & Products. 2021, 171, 113899. 通讯作者
[6] Xingyan Huang, Cornelis, F de Hoop, Jiulong Xie, Qinglin Wu, Dorin Boldor, Jinqiu Qi. High bio-content polyurethane (PU) foam made from bio-polyol and cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) via microwave liquefaction. Materials & Design. 2018, 138, 11-20. 通讯作者