(一)CSSCI/SSCI/SCI 论文 50余篇
(1)How to reduce firm pollution discharges: Does political leaders gender matter? Technological Forecasting and Social Change,2024,05(通讯作者,IF=12)
(2)Hidden environmental costs of economic ambitions: An empirical study of pollution emissions in the wake of growth targets. Journal of Cleaner Production,2024,04(第一作者,IF=11.1)
(3)Power transitions and pollution reduction: Decoding the impact of China s municipal leadership changes on firm-level pollution. Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,12(第一作者,IF=11.1)
(4)Does raising the minimum wage matter to firms energy transition? Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,11(第一作者,IF=11.1)
(5)Forecasting crude oil futures price using machine learning methods: Evidence from China, Energy Economics,2023,10(第一作者,IF=12.8)
(6)Extreme risk dependence and time-varying spillover between crude oil, commodity market and inflation in China. Energy Economics,2023,10(通讯作者,IF=12.8)
(7)Exploring the role of fintech development in reducing firm pollution discharges: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms. Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,09(第一作者,IF=11.1)
(8)Do female cadres improve clean energy accessibility in villages? Evidence from rural China. Energy Economics,2023,08(通讯作者,IF=12.8)
(9)The dynamic linkages among crude oil price, climate change and carbon price in China. Energy Strategy Reviews,2023,07(通讯作者)
(10)Extreme risk spillover effect and dynamic linkages between uncertainty and commodity markets: A comparison between China and America。Resources Policy,2023,06(通讯作者)
(11)How does fintech affect energy transition: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms。Environmental Impact Assessment Review,2023,06(通讯作者)
(12)How does minimum wage affect firm pollution discharges: Evidence from China。Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,05
(13)Reducing the carbon emission from agricultural production in China: do land transfer and urbanization matter? Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023,04
(14)Identifying the role of green financial development played in carbon intensity: Evidence from China,Journal of Cleaner Production,2023,04
(15)Forecasting the realized volatility of Energy Stock Market: A Multimodel Comparison.The North American Journal of Economics and Finance,2023,03
(16)When cooking meets confucianism: Exploring the role of traditional culture in cooking energy poverty .Energy Research & Social Science,2023,03
(17)Do green bonds and economic policy uncertainty matter for carbon price? New insights from a TVP-VAR framework. International Review of Financial Analysis,2023,03
(18)The effect of rising wages of agricultural labor on pesticide application in China, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2022, 95, 106809 (第一作者,IF=4.549,中科院大类TOP论文/SSCI一区)。
(19)Effect of agricultural subsidies on the use of chemical fertilizer. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 299, 113621 (第一作者,IF=6.789,中科院大类TOP论文)。
(20)Energy intensity and energy-specific technological progress: A case study in Guangdong province of China, Renewable Energy, 2022, 184, 990-1001 (通讯作者,IF=8.001,JCR 1区,中科院大类TOP论文)。
(21)The role of crop insurance in reducing pesticide use: Evidence from rice farmers in China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 306, 114456 (通讯作者,IF=6.789,JCR 1区,中科院大类TOP论文)。
(22)Does attending in social pension program promotes household energy transition? Evidence from ethnical minority regions of rural China,Energy for Sustainable
(23)Financial Support for Agriculture, Chemical Fertilizer Use, and Carbon Emissions from Agricultural Production in China, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(12), 7155 (第一作者,IF=3.390,SSCI一区)。
(24)Green Finance, Chemical Fertilizer Use and Carbon Emissions from Agricultural Production. Agriculture , 2022, 12(3), 313 (第一作者,IF=2.925,JCR 2区)。
(25)Effects of haze pollution on pesticide use by rice farmers: Fresh evidence from rural area of China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(44), 62755-62770 (第一作者, IF=4.223,JCR 2区)。
(1)资源环境约束对国有企业效率的影响,财经科学(CSSCI), 2016, (2):62~71. 第一作者
(2)国有企业的产业拖累效应及其门槛特征,经济与管理研究(CSSCI), 2015,(1):25~33. 第一作者
(3)货币政策、资本监管与商业银行风险承担的门槛效应:理论与经验证据,南方经济(CSSCI), 2014,(12):19~35. 第一作者
(4)可持续发展理论的反思与重构,经济学家(CSSCI),2017,(3):24-31. 第三作者
(5)性别比例失衡对房价的影响及门槛特征,财经科学(CSSCI),2017,(5):93-103. 第三作者
(6)论东北亚煤炭供给圈的构建与开拓,经济管理(CSSCI), 2016,(1):147~156. 第二作者
(7)国有企业的就业拖累效应及其门槛特征,财经研究(CSSCI),2015,41(2):135~144. 第二作者
(8)中国货币政策规则、最优单一规则与宏观效应,统计研究(CSSCI),2015,32,(1):41~51. 第三作者