李焕秀 更新日期:2023-06-02
工作单位 园艺学院
单位电话 028-86291946
电子邮箱 479942014@qq.com
招生专业 【博士】:090202蔬菜学,【学硕】:090202蔬菜学,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
李焕秀,女,汉族,1962年11月出生,四川省郫县人,民建会员,博士研究生学历。现任四川农业大学园艺学院果蔬研究所副所长,教授,硕士生和博士生导师。1979年至1983年四川农学院园艺系果树专业学生。1983年至1988年四川农学院园艺系助教。1988年至今历任四川农业大学讲师、副教授、教授,系主任、副所长,博士生导师,四川省学术和技术带头人。1989年至1990年英国Reading University访问学者;1998年至1999年加拿大Guelph University访问学者;2000年至2005年西南农业大学园艺园林学院博士研究生学习。2004年荣获四川省“十大女杰”和“三八红旗手”荣誉称号。2004年和2013年及2021年被评为第五期、第十期、第十三期四川省学术和技术带头人。
起止年月 学习、工作单位 职务、职称
1979.09-1983.07 四川农业大学果树专业学习 大学生
1983.07-1988.11 四川农业大学园艺学院 助教
1988.12-1993.11 四川农业大学园艺学院 讲师
1993.12-2001.12 四川农业大学园艺学院 副教授,园艺系主任
-1989.12-1990.12 英国Reading University 访问学者
-1995.06-2001.12 四川农业大学园艺学院 四川农业大学学术骨干
-1998.06-1999.07 加拿大Guelph University 访问学者
2002.01-现在 四川农业大学园艺学院 教授
-2000.09-2005.06 西南农业大学在职攻读博士学位 获农学博士学位
-2002.06-2004.06 四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选
-2004.06-2012.12 第五批四川省学术和技术带头人
-2006.06-现在 园艺学博士生导师
-2011.09-2022.12 四川农业大学果蔬研究所 副所长
-2013.07-2020.06 第十批四川省学术和技术带头人
-2021.06-现在 第十三批四川省学术和技术带头人
1974.09-1976.07 郫县四中 初中学习 1976.09-1979.07 郫县四中 高中学习 1979.09-1983.07 四川农业大学(原四川农学院)园艺系果树专业学习 获农学学士学位 2000.09-2005.06 西南农业大学(现西南大学) 园艺园林学院学习 获农学博士学位
一、荣誉称号 1.2004年获“四川省十大女杰” 和“三八红旗手”称号; 2.2008年获民建四川省委“抗震救灾”优秀会员,雅安市委统战部“抗震救灾”雅安市统一战线先进个人 二、教学科研获奖 1.2005年和2007年获四川农业大学优秀教学成果一等奖各1项; 2.2005年和2010年分别获四川省优秀教学成果三等奖各1项; 3.2016年主持的“泡制辣椒新品种选育及栽培技术集成创新与应用”获四川省科技进步二等奖 4.2021年主持的”特色菜豆和豇豆新品种选育及栽培技术集成与应用”获四川省科技进步三等奖
四川省园艺学会常委理事; 第十届四川省人大代表; 第十届、第十一届、第十二届四川省政协委员; 第一届和第四届雅安市人大代表,人大常委会委员; 第二届、第三届雅安市政协委员、常委 民建雅安市委副主委,民建四川农业大学总支部主委; 民建中央农业与农村委员会委员;
一、纵向科研 1.四川省科技厅科技支撑项目,川南高山辣椒新品种选育与加工集成创新示范,2016.01-2018.12 2.中国烟草总公司四川省公司局,植烟土壤质量提升关键技术研究与集成应用(SCYC201504)子课题“烤烟-蔬菜种植模式优化与应用”,2015.1-2018.12 3.四川省农业厅四川省产业体系蔬菜创新团队,蔬菜新品种选育,2014.01-2018.12 4.四川省山区人才项目,2014.01-2018.12 5.四川省人社厅、农业厅等,科技扶贫万里行,2018-2022 6.四川省科技厅重点研发项目,特色精品蔬菜资源收集与评价,2018-2020 7.四川省科技厅”十四五”育种攻关“蔬菜新品种选育”,2021-2025 8.四川省农业厅”四川产业体系蔬菜创新团队岗位专家”,2019-2023 二、横向科研 1.内江市科技局市校合作项目,朝天椒种质资源的收集、筛选与示范推广,2015,01-2017.12, 2.与陆捌专业合作社校企合作项目,蔬菜新品种新技术引进和示范”,2017.01-2019.12; 3.四川农业大学双支计划第四层次和成果后补助,2013.08-2018.07 4.校地合作项目,雅山药良种繁育及技术集成,2015-2017。
1.Huaqiang Tan, Haitao Huang , Manman Tie,Yi Tang, Yunsong Lai, Huanxiu Li ().Transcriptome Profiling of Two Asparagus Bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp.sesquipedalis) Cultivars Differing in Chilling Tolerance under Cold Stress,PLoS One,2016,11(3):e0151105(SCI, IF=3.234)
2.Haitao Huang, Huaqiang Tan, Dongmei Xu, Yi Tang, Yisong Niu, Yunsong Lai, Manman Tie , Huanxiu Li(). High-density genetic map construction and comparative genome analysis in asparagus bean.Scientific Reports. 2018, 8:4836 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-23173-0(SCI, IF=4.259)
3.Tang Yi, He J, Yu X N, Xie Y D, Lin L J, Sun G CH, Li H X()), Liao M A, Liang D, Xia H, Wang J, Zhang J, Liu Z J,Tu L H and Liu L.Intercropping with Solanum nigrum and Solanum photeinocarpum from two ecoclimatic regions promotes growth and reduces cadmium uptake of eggplant seedling. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(3):638-644(SCI, IF=1.535)
4.Yunsong Lai, Huanxiu Li(), Masumi Yamagishi.A review of target gene specificity of flavonoid R2R3-MYB transcription factors and a discussion of factors contributing to the target gene selectivity. Frontiers in Biology. 2013, 8(6): 577-598
5. Y. Tang, L. Chen, X. M. Li, J. Li, Q. Luo, J. Lai, H. X. Li()) Effect of culture conditions on the plant regeneration via organogenesis from cotyledonary node of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp). African Journal of Biotechnology(ISSN 1684-5315) 2012. 11(14):3270-3275 (SCI, IF=0.573)
6. Juan Li, Yi Tang, Yaoguo Qin, Xiaomei Li, Huanxiu Li(). Agrobacterium mediated transformation of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus). African Journal of Biotechnology. (ISSN 1684-5315) 2012,11(24):6450-6456(SCI, IF=0.573)
7. Cao Ma,Yi. Tang, Xiamei Li, Juan Li, Li. Wang, HuanXiu. Li().In vitro induction of multiple buds from cotyledonary nodes of Balsam pear (Momordica charantia L.). African Journal of Biotechnology (ISSN 1684-5315) . 2012,11(13):3106-3115 (SCI, IF=0.573)
8. Y. Tang, J. Liu, J. Li, X.M. Li, B. Liu,H.X. Li(). The influence of endogenous hormones on buds formation from stem in bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). African Journal of Biotechnology(ISSN 1684-5315),2011,10 (31):5856-5860 (SCI, IF=0.573)
9. Y. Tang, Li Wang, Chao Ma, Ji Liu, Bin Liu, Huanxiu Li(). The Use of HPLC in determination of endogenous hormones in anthers of bitter melon. Journal of Life Sciences, 2011, 5(2): 139-142
10. Yi Tang, Ji Liu, Bin Liu, Xiaomei Li, Juan Li, Huanxiu Li(). Additives promote adventitious buds induction from stem segments of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Journal?of?Agricultural?Science, 2011, 3(2):13-16(SCI, IF=1.418)
11. Y. Tang, L. Wang, C. Ma, B. Liu, J. Liu, H.X. Li(). Callus and adventitious buds formation from stem explants of balsam pear (Momordica charantia L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 2011,1(1):146-150
12. Li Wang, Yi Tang, Xiaomei Li, Juan Li, Chao Ma, Huanxiu Li(). A review on tomato regeneration. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 2011,1(2) : 163-167
13. Chao Ma, Yi Tang, Xiaomei Li, Juan Li, Li Wang, HuanXiu Li()). A review on the regeneration of balsam pear (Momordica charantia L.). Journal of Life Science, 2011,5(6) :472-476
14. X.M. Li, L. Chen, J. Li, Y. Tang, L. Wang , C. Ma, Huanxiu Li(). A review on regeneration in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2011,5(4)::525-532
15. J. Li, X. M. Li, Y.G. Qin, Y. Tang, L. Wang, C. Ma, H. X. Li(). Optimized system for plant regeneration of watermelon(Citrullus lanatus Thumb.). African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10(48): 9760-9765(ISSN 1684-5315)(SCI, IF=0.573)
16.Y. Tang, J. Liu, B. Liu, X.M. Li, J. Li, H.X. Li()). Endogenous hormone concentrations in explants and calluses of bitter melon (Momordica charantia L.). Interciencia, 2010, 35 (9):680-683(SCI, IF=0.351)
17. Yi Tang, Bin Liu, Ji Liu, Chao Ma, Ke Xu, Huanxiu Li(). Morphological characteristics of floral organ at different microspore development stage in balsam pear (Momordica charantia L.). Journal?of?Life?Sciences, 2010, 4(6):35-38
18. Y. Tang, J. Liu, B. Liu, J. Li, X.M. Li, H.X. Li(). Effect of different treatment on anther callus formation and browning in balsam pear (Momordica charantia L.). Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2010, 4(6):53-56
19.Tan HQ, Pu GY, Li HX(). Effects of ABA on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chinese Cabbage under Aluminum Stress.Proceeding of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. 2016,89: 56-59(ISTP).
20.Tang Yi, Lin RH, Lan JY, Li HX().Effects of Exogenous Melatonin on Photosynthesis of Chinese Cabbage Seedlings under NaCl Stress.Proceeding of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering.2016,89:73-76(ISTP)
21.Tan HQ, Yan JJ, Li HX().Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chinese Cabbage Sprayed with Indoleacetic Acid under Aluminum Stress.Proceeding of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. 2016,89: 52-55(ISTP)
22.Tang Yi, Lei FY, Zhang EZ, Li HX().Soaking Seeds with Exogenous Melatonin Improve Photosynthetic Characteristics of Radish under Aluminum Stress.Proceeding of the 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering. 2016,89: 64-67(ISTP)
23.Yu XN, He J, Li HX().Effects of Exogenous Melatonin on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Eggplant Seedlings under Low Temperature and Weak Light Stress.Proceeding of the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2016,32: 724-727(ISTP)
24.Tang Yi, Li JX, Li HX().Effects of Exogenous Melatonin on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) under Cadmium Stress.Proceeding of the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering. 2016,32: 580-583(ISTP)
25.Tang Y, Li HX().Hyperaccumulator and Potential Hyperaccumulator from Two Climate–Ecology Regions Affect Photosynthetic Characteristics of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) under Cadmium Stress by Intercropping.Proceeding of the 2016 International Forum on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development. 2016,75: 880-883(ISTP).
26.Yi Tang, Guochao Sun, Mingjun Miao, Yanhong Li, Huanxiu Li. Effects of exogenous melatonin on growth and physiological characteristics of Chinese Cabbage Seedlings under Aluminum Stress. Proceeding of the 2016 6th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection.2017,143:1119-
27.Yi Tang, Jingxian Li, Enze Zhang, Huanxiu Li. Effects of exogenous melatonin on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Chinese cabbage seedlings under aluminum stress. Proceeding of the 20162th International Conference on Energy, Environment and Chemical Engineering.(2016)
28.马健尧,李焕秀(),李立佼,谭华强,张莉,铁曼曼.番茄青枯雷尔氏菌强致病力菌株变异的研究. 广西植物,2014(4):530-534(CSCD)
1.辣椒·茄子·番茄栽培技术.四川科学技术出版社,郭学君 李焕秀等编著,2009
2.山药·球茎茴香栽培技术.四川科学技术出版社,秦耀国 李焕秀等编著,2009
3.草莓·西瓜栽培技术.四川科学技术出版社,王立新 贺忠群 李焕秀等编著,2009
4.南瓜·苦瓜·黄瓜栽培技术.四川科学技术出版社,严泽生 李焕秀等编著,2009
5.大蒜·生姜栽培技术.四川科学技术出版社,郑阳霞 李焕秀等编著,2009