2. 猪抗病营养技术体系创建与应用,2018年, 国家科学技术进步二等奖,第7完成人。
3. 母猪系统营养技术与应用, 2010年,国家科技进步二等奖, 第4完成人.
4. Maple Leaf Farms Duck Research Award, 2017, AMERICAN POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION
5. 饲用酶营养工程关键技术创新与应用,2017年,大北农科技奖 动物营养奖,第3完成人
6. 母猪系统营养技术研究与应用,2009年,四川省科学技术进步一等奖,第3完成人
7. 猪抗病营养理论与技术,2013年,四川省科技进步一等奖, 第4完成人
8. 肉鸭的营养需要与饲料高效利用研究,2010年,四川省科技进步二等奖, 第1完成人
9. 优质鸡营养需要及饲料高效利用技术研究与应用,2017年,四川省科学技术进步奖,三等奖,第2完成人
10. 磷酸盐的质量安全及家禽高效利用技术,2015年,四川省科技进步三等奖, 第3完成人
12. 仔猪动态营养调控及应用新技术, 2006年,四川省科技进步三等奖, 第3完成人
12. 饲料安全技术体系研究,2005年,四川省科技进步三等奖, 第2完成人
13. 猪禽蛋白质代谢规律及其调控,2003年, 四川省科技进步三等奖,第2完成人
1. Ren, Z. Z,Q.F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, J. P. Wang, K. Y. Zhang*. Effects of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the antioxidant status and tibia quality of duck breeders and newly hatched ducklings. Poultry Science.2016,95(9): 2090-2096.
2. Ren, Z. Z,J. P. Wang, Q.F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, K. Y. Zhang*. The effects of maternal dietary vitamin premixes, canthaxanthin, and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the performance of progeny ducklings, Poultry Science,2016:95:630-635
3. Ren, Z. Z,S.Z. Zhang, Q.F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, J. P. Wang, K. Y. Zhang*. Effect of maternal canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the performance of ducklings under two different vitamin regimens. J Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. 2016:410-11
4. Ren, Z. Z,Q.F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, J. P. Wang, K. Y.Zhang*. Effect of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the performance of duck breeders under two different vitamin regimens. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology.2016,7:2-9
5. Zeng,Q. F., P. Bai , J. P. Wang, X. M. Ding, Y. H. Luo, S. P. Bai, X. Q. Wu, Y. Xuan, Z.W. Su, S. Q. Lin, L. J. Zhao, K. Y. Zhang*. The Response of Growth Meat Ducks from 15 to 35d of age to Gossypol from Cottonseed Meal. Poultry Science, 2015,96:1277-1286
6. Zeng,Q.F. , Xueqin Huang, Yuheng Luo, Xuemei Ding, Shiping Bai, Jianping Wang,Yue Xuan, Zhuowei Su , Yonggang Liu, Keying Zhang*. Effects of a Multi-enzyme Complex on Growth Performance, Nutrient Utilization and Bone Mineralization of Meat Duck. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechology, 2015 6:12-20
7. Zeng,Q. F., G. L. Yang, G. N. Liu , J. P. Wang , S. P. Bai , X. M. Ding , Y. H. Luo , and K. Y. Zhang*. Effects of dietary gossypol concentration on growth performance, blood profiles, and hepatic histopathology in meat ducks. Poultry science, 2014, 93:1-10
8. He, J., K.Y. Zhang*, D.W. Chen, X.M. Ding, G.D. Feng and X. Ao. Effects of maize naturally contaminated with aflatoxin B1 on growth performance, blood profiles and hepatic histopathology in ducks. Livestock Science. 2013, 152(2-3): 192–199.
9. He, J., K.Y. Zhang*, D.W. Chen, X.M. Ding, G.D. Feng and X. Ao. Effects of vitamin E and selenium yeast on growth performance and immune function in ducks fed maize naturally contaminated with aflatoxin B1. Livestock Science. 2013, 152(2): 200-207.
10. 曾秋凤,吴昊,丁雪梅,黄雪琴,张克英*. 蒸煮对不同品质鸭肥肝营养特性及脂肪酸组成的影响. 食品科学,2013, 34 (1): 105-108.