1. Hongyou Li, Ning Wang, Jianzhou Ding, Chan Liu, Hanmei Du, Kaifeng Huang, Moju Cao, Yanli Lu, Shibin Gao, Suzhi Zhang*.The maize CorA/MRS2/MGT-type Mg transporter, ZmMGT10, responses to magnesium deficiency and confers low magnesium tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis Plant Mol Biol, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s11103-017-0645-1
2. Liming Xu, Wu Liu, Baoming Cui, Ning Wang, Jianzhou Ding, Chan Liu, Shibin Gao, Suzhi Zhang*. Aluminium Tolerance Assessment of 141 Maize Germplasms in a Solution Culture. Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, 2017, 5(1): 1-9
3. Hongyou Li, Kaifeng Huang, Hanmei Du, Hongling Wang, Xin Chen, Shibin Gao, Hailan Liu, Moju Cao, Yanli Lu, Tingzhao Rong, Suzhi Zhang*. Genome-wide analysis of Gro/Tup1 family corepressors and their responses to hormones and abiotic stresses in maize. Journal of Plant Biology, 2016, 59:603-615.
4. Hongyou Li, Hanmei Du, Kaifeng Huang, Xin Chen, Tianyu Liu, Shibin Gao, Hailan Liu, Qilin Tang,Tingzhao Rong and Suzhi Zhang*. Identification, and Functional and Expression Analyses of the CorA/MRS2/MGT-Type Magnesium Transporter Family in Maize. Plant and Cell Physiol. 2016, 57(6): 1153–1168.
5. 徐立明,张振葆,梁晓玲,卢文,张辰路,黄凤珠,王雷,张素芝*. 植物抗旱基因工程研究进展,草业学报 2014 第6期 P293-303
6. Lin, Y., Zhang, C., Lan, H., Gao, S., Liu, H., Liu, J.,Cao. M, Pan, G, Rong, T, Zhang, S* Validation of Potential Reference Genes for qPCR in Maize across Abiotic Stresses, Hormone Treatments, and Tissue Types. 2014,PloS one,9(5), e95445.
7. 王娜.张振葆.黄凤珠.李洪有.张素芝*.WRKY转录因子参与植物非生物胁迫应答的研究进展.核农学报,2014.28(10)
8. 赵天龙.解光宁.张晓霞.邱林权.王娜.张素芝*.酸性土壤上植物应对铝胁迫的过程与机制. 应用生态学报,2013,24(10): 3003-3011
9. Hailan Liu,Yueai Lin, Guobo Chen,Yaou Shen,Jian Liu, Suzhi Zhang*. Genome-scale identification of resistance gene analogs and the development of their intron length polymorphism markers in maize. Molecular Breeding, 2012; 29 (2): 437
10. Suzhi Zhang* , Xinggui Liu, Yueai Lin, Guangning Xie, Fengling Fu, Hailan Liu, Jing Wang, Shibin Gao, Hai Lan, Tingzhao Rong. Characterization of a ZmSERK gene and its relationship to somatic embryogenesis in a maize culture. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2011,105(1):29-37.
11. Suzhi Zhang, ZHANG Gui-ling, RONG Ting-zhao*, PAN Li, ZHOU Peng, and ZHANG Yong-guang*. Transformation of Two VP1 Genes of O-type and Asia1-Type Food-and-mouth Disease Virus into Maize. Agricultural Sciences in China. 2011, 10(5):101-105.
12. Wu C X, Suzhi Zhang (co-first author), Nie G, Zhang Z M, Wang J J, 2011. Adsorption and desorption of herbicide monosulfuron-ester in Chinese soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2011, 23(9)1-9
13. Wu C. X., Wang, J. J., Suzhi Zhang and Zhang, Z. M.. Adsorption and desorption of methiopyrsulfuron in soils. Pedosphere. 2011, 21(3): 380-388.
14. Fu Fengling, Zhou Shufeng, Suzhi Zhang , Li Wanchen. Further improvement of N6 medium for callus induction and plant regeneration from maize immature embryos. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10(14):2618-2624
15. Wei Jiang,Feng-Ling Fu, Suzhi Zhang , Wan-Chen Li, Cloning and Characterization of Functional Trehalose-6-Phosphate Synthase Gene in Maize. Journal of Plant Biology. 2010,53(2):134-141
16. MU Gui-qin, LIANG Yin, Zhang Zhi-ming, LIU Shi-jian,PENG Hua, Suzhi Zhang and PAN Quang-tang. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Associated Photoperiod Senstivity in Maize(Zea mays). Agricultural Sciences in China. 2009,8(1):24~30.
17. 张桂玲,张素芝*, 荣廷昭,张永光.农杆菌介导O型口蹄疫病毒基因P12A*3C基因转化玉米的研究. 中国兽医科学,2010, 40(3):111-116
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21. Suzhi Zhang, Jianru, Zuo. Advance in The Flowering Time Control of Arabidopsis. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics,2006,33(4):301-309
22. CHEN Ruiqiang, Suzhi Zhang (co-first author), SUN Shulan, CHANG Jianhong ZUO Jianru. Characterization of a new mutant allele of the Arabidopsis Flowering Locus D (FLD) gene that controls the flowering time by repressing FLC. Chinese Scienc Bullitin,2005,50
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25. Feng-Ling Fu, Jing He, Zhi-Yong Zhang, Shu-Feng Zhou, Su-Zhi Zhang and Wan-Chen Li Further improvement of N6 medium for callus induction and plant regeneration from maize immature embryos. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011,10(14),2618-2624
26. 张素芝,李纪蓉.植物激素配比对大蒜茎盘愈伤组织再生体系的影响.种子,2006,25(6):38-40
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32. Shufeng Zhou, Shanhua lü, Fenglin Fu, Hai Lan, Zhiming Zhang, Suzhi Zhang, Qilin Tang, Yuanqi Wu.Over-expression of Sub1A, a submergence tolerance gene from rice, confers enhanced hypoxic stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco plants. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011,10(78)17934-17939