林燕 更新日期:2022-06-27
工作单位 动物营养研究所
行政职务 动物营养研究所教学科研基地主任
招生专业 【学硕】:090502动物营养与饲料科学,【专硕】:095133畜牧
1.2006/09-2011/06 四川农业大学,动物营养研究所,博士
2.2002/09-2005/07 四川农业大学,动物营养研究所,硕士
3. 1998/09-2002/07 四川农业大学,职业技术师范学院,学士
林 燕(5/9), 母猪系统营养技术研究与应用 ,四川省科技进步奖,一等奖,2009(吴 德,陈代文,张克英,余 冰,林 燕,方正锋,贾 刚,曾秋凤,丁雪梅)
林 燕(1/5),营养调控母猪胚胎存活与发育的机理及应用,四川省科技进步奖,三等奖, 2014,(林燕,车炼强,徐盛玉,吴 德,方正锋)
1. 国家自然基金项目, mTORC1信号通路介导精氨酸调控公猪精原干细胞增殖的作用机制研究,主持,2018-2020。
2. 国家重点研发项目“畜禽繁殖调控新技术研发”,课题“经产母猪定时输精及批次化繁殖技术研发与示范”,子课题主持人,2017-2020。
3. 国家重点研发项目“畜禽繁殖调控新技术研发”,课题“经产母猪定时输精及批次化繁殖技术研发与示范”,子课题主持人,2017-2020。
4. 国家重点研发项目“高产种猪高效安全养殖技术应用与示范”,课题“ 标准化猪人工授精技术集成与研发”,子课题主持人,2018-2020。
5. 国家留学基金委项目,饲粮添加不同水平VD对公猪精液品质的影响,主持2016/7-2017/12。
6. 四川省科技扶贫项目,香猪扶贫配套技术研究与示范,主持,2017.4-2018.12。
7. 四川省科技富民强县项目,雅南猪杂交利用及产业化技术集成与示范,主持, 2013/7-2015/7。
8. 四川省重大科技专项项目,种猪高效繁殖营养饲料技术体系研发,子课题主持,2021/7-2026/7。
(1) Yan Lin#*, Xu Cheng, Jiude Mao, De Wu, Lian-Qiang Che, Zheng-Feng Fang, Sheng-Yu Xu, Bo Ren. Effects of different dietary n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratios on boar reproduction. Lipids in Health and Disease,2016, 15(31),193-8.
(2) Yan Lin#*, Xu Cheng, Peter Sutovsky, De Wu , Lian-Qiang Che , Zheng-Feng Fang, Sheng-Yu Xu, Bo Ren, Hong-Jun Dong. Effect of intra-uterine growth restriction on long-term fertility in boars. Reproduction, Fertility and Development , 2015
(3) Dong HJ#, Wu D, Xu SY, Li Q, Fang ZF, Che LQ, Wu CM, Xu XY, Lin Yan *(通讯作者). Effect of dietary supplementation with amino acids onboar sperm quality and fertility. Anim Reprod Sci. 2016.8.4, 172(2):182~189
(4) Bo Ren#, Xu Cheng, Hong-Jun Dong, De Wu, Lian-Qiang Che, Zheng-Feng Fang, Sheng-Yu Xu, Yan Lin*(通讯作者). Effect of different amino acid patterns on semen quality of boars fed with low-protein diets. Animal Reproduction Science, 2015,161:96–1033
(5) Yan Lin#, Zheng-feng Fang, Lian-qiang Che, Sheng-yu Xu, De Wu* Cai-mei Wu, Xiu-qun Wu. Use of Sodium butyrate as an alternative to dietary fiber: effects on the embryonic development and anti-oxidative capacity of rats. PLoS One. 2014. 22;9(5):e97838.
(6) Yan Lin#, Xiao-long Bai, Zheng-feng Fang, Lian-qiang Che, Sheng-yu Xu, De Wu*. Effect of different dietary omega-3/omega-6 fatty acid ratios on reproduction in male rats. Lipids in Health and Disease 2013, 12:33
(7) Yan Lin#, D. Wu*, W. X. Zeng, Z.F. Fang, L.Q. Che. Effect of threonine on immunity and reproductive performance of male mice infected with pseudorabies virus. Animal. 2012, 6(11):1821-1829.
(8) Yan Lin#, Xing Fa Han; Zheng Feng Fang; Lian Qiang Che; De Wu*. The beneficial effect of fiber supplementation in high- or low-fat diets on fetal development and antioxidant defense capacity in the rat. European Journal of Nutrition. 2012, 51:19–27.
(9) Yan Lin#, Yong Zhuo; De Wu*; Zheng-feng Fang;Lian-qiang Che. Maternal dietary energy types affect placenta nutrient transporter gene expression and fetal growth in uterine of Sprague Dawley rat. Nutrition. 2012,28(10):1037-1043.
(10) Yan Lin#; Xing-fa Han; Zheng-feng Fang; Lian-qiang Che; Jerry Nelson; Tan-hai Yan; De Wu*. Beneficial effects of dietary fibre supplementation of a high-fat diet on fetal development in the rat. British Journal of Nutrition. 2011, 106: 510–518.
(11) Yan Lin1,2*?, Ke Wang1,2?, Lianqiang Che1,2, Zhengfeng Fang1,2, Shengyu Xu1,2, Bin Feng1,2, Yong Zhuo1,2, Jian Li1,2, Caimei Wu1,2, Junjie Zhang3, Haoyu Xiong1,2, Chenglong Yu1,2 and De Wu1,2 The Improvement of Semen Quality by Dietary Fiber Intake Is Positively Related With Gut Microbiota and SCFA in a Boar Model,Front. Microbiol., 11 May 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.863315