符书兰 更新日期:2022-06-27
工作单位 农学院
单位电话 13018251299
电子邮箱 fushulan@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【博士】:090102作物遗传育种,【学硕】:090102作物遗传育种,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
2006.07-2008.12 四川农业大学 助教
2009.01-2012.01 四川农业大学 讲师
2010.01-2013.05 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所 博士后
2012.02-2013.12 四川农业大学 副教授
2014.01至今 四川农业大学 教授
1999.09-2003.07 四川农业大学 本科学历、学士学位
2003.09-2006.07 四川农业大学 研究生学历、硕士学位
2006.09-2009.06 四川农业大学 研究生学历、博士学位
1. 新型抗白粉病小麦-黑麦6RL小片段易位系的创制及其补偿性研究(国家自然科学基金);31770373;2018-2021;60万元;主持
2. 抗白粉病黑麦微小染色体的结构及遗传机制研究(国家自然科学基金);31470409;2015-2018;82.00万元;主持
3. 黑麦5R染色体来源的抗小麦白粉病新基因的鉴定与利用(国家自然科学基金青年项目);31000713;2011-2013;20.00万元;主持。
4. 利用小麦5A染色体研究异染色质多样性对减数分裂染色体重组的影响(四川省科技计划项目);2020YJ0128;2020-2021;10.00万元;主持
5. 主要农作物染色体鉴定新技术建立与新材料创制(国家重点研发计划);2016YFD0102001;2016-2020;235万元;主研
6. 小麦分子染色体工程与功能基因育种研究(科技部“863”计划);2011AA1001;2011-2015;95.00万元;主研
1. Jie Luo,Ruiying Liao,Yanling Duan,Shulan Fu,Zongxiang Tang. 2022. Variations of subtelomeric tandem repeats and rDNA on chromosome 1RS arms in the genus Secale and 1BL.1RS translocations. BMC Plant Biology, 22:212
2. Yang Zou, Linrong Wan, Jie Luo, Zongxiang Tang, Shulan Fu. 2021. FISH landmarks reflecting meiotic recombination and structural alterations of chromosomes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC Plant Biology, 21:167
3. Wei Xi, Shuyao Tang, Haimei Du, Jie Luo, Zongxiang Tang, Shulan Fu. 2020. ND-FISH-positive oligonucleotide probes for detecting specific segments of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosomes and new tandem repeats in rye. The Crop Journal,8(2):171-181.
4. Wei Xi, Zongxiang Tang, Shuyao Tang, Zujun Yang, Jie Luo, Shulan Fu. 2019. New ND-FISH-Positive Oligo Probes for Identifying Thinopyrum Chromosomes in Wheat Backgrounds. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20:2031.
5. Wei Xi, Zongxiang Tang, Jie Luo, Shulan Fu. 2019. Physical Location of New Stripe Rust Resistance Gene(s) and PCR-Based Markers on Rye (Secale cereale L.) Chromosome 5 Using 5R Dissection Lines. Agronomy, 9: 498.
6. Haimei Du, Zongxiang Tang, Qiong Duan, Shuyao Tang , Shulan Fu.2018. Using the 6RLKu Minichromosome of Rye (Secale cereale L.) to Create Wheat-Rye 6D/6RLKu Small Segment Translocation Lines with Powdery Mildew Resistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 19:3933.
7. Shuyao Tang, Zongxiang Tang, Ling Qiu, Zujun Yang, Guangrong Li, Tao Lang, Wenqian Zhu, Jiehong Zhang, Shulan Fu. 2018. Developing New Oligo Probes to Distinguish Specific Chromosomal Segments and the A, B, D Genomes of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Using ND-FISH. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9:1104.
8. Zhiqiang Xiao, Shuyao Tang, Ling Qiu, Zongxiang Tang, Shulan Fu. 2017. Oligonucleotides and ND-FISH displaying different arrangements of tandem repeats and identification of Dasypyrum villosum chromosomes in wheat backgrounds. Molecules, 22:973.
9. Qiong Duan, Yang Yang Wang, Ling Qiu, Tian Heng Ren, Zhi Li, Shu Lan Fu,Zong Xiang Tang. 2017. Physical location of new PCR-based markers and powdery mildew resistance Gene(s) on rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosome 4 using 4R dissection lines. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1716.
10. Meng Li, Zongxiang Tang, Ling Qiu, Yangyang Wang, Shuyao Tang , Shulan Fu. 2016. Identification and Physical Mapping of New PCR-Based Markers Specific for the Long Arm of Rye (Secale cereale L.) Chromosome 6. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 43:209-216.
Ling Qiu, Zong-xiang Tang, Meng Li, and Shu-lan Fu. 2016. Development of new PCR-based markers specific for chromosome arms of rye (Secale cereale L.). Genome, 59: 159–165.
11. Shuyao Tang, Ling Qiu, Zhiqiang Xiao, Shulan Fu, Zongxiang Tang. 2016. New Oligonucleotide Probes for ND-FISH Analysisto Identify Barley Chromosomes and to Investigate Polymorphisms of Wheat Chromosomes. Genes 7:118.
12. Shulan Fu, Lei Chen, Yangyang Wang, Meng Li, Zujun Yang, Ling Qiu, Benju Yan, Zhenglong Ren, Zongxiang Tang. 2015. Oligonucleotide Probes for ND-FISH Analysis to Identify Rye and Wheat Chromosomes. Scientific Reports.5:10552.
13. Shulan Fu, Manyu Yang, Zhenglong Ren, Benju Yan, Zongxiang Tang. 2014. Abnormal mitosis induced by wheat-rye 1R monosomic addition lines. Genome. 57(1):21-28.
14. Zongxiang Tang, Zujun Yang, Shulan Fu.2014. Oligonucleotides replacing the roles of repetitive sequences pAs1,pSc119.2, pTa-535, pTa71, CCS1, and pAWRC.1 for FISH analysis. J Appl Genet. 55(3): 313-318.
15. Fu S, Ren Z, Chen X, Yan B, Tan F, Fu T, Tang Z. 2014. New wheat-rye 5DS-4RS?4RL and 4RS-5DS?5DL translocation lines with powdery mildew resistance. J Plant Res. 127(6):743-753.