赖云松 更新日期:2023-05-16
工作单位 园艺学院
单位电话 028-86291746
电子邮箱 laiys@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【博士】:090202蔬菜学,【学硕】:090202蔬菜学,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
指导博士生3人,指导硕士生累计19人,其中留学生3人;引进国际杰出青年科学家1人。与瑞典农业大学,日本信州大学和埃及农科院开展国际合作3项。担任国际SCI收录TOP期刊IJMS担任客座编辑,在Vegetable Research担任蔬菜种质资源领域的编委。参与泡椒新品种选育,获省科技进步奖二等奖1项(排名第三)。参与辣椒种质资源平台建设。主持撰写《贵州农业生物资源调查》辣椒种质资源章节,参与撰写四川省辣椒产业发展专著《麻辣川椒》。先后主持国家自然科学基金(青年基金和面上基金)、博士后科学基金、四川省科技厅项目、四川省教育厅项目等10余项。发表研究论文30余篇,其中中科院分区TOP期刊6篇。长期担任科技特派团团长,省科技扶贫万里行首席专家,“三区”服务专家,累计先后对口服务凉山州、甘孜州、阿坝州、秦巴山区共计13个区县。
2002-2006年,四川农业大学农学院 (本科)
2022年6月至今,vegetable research期刊编委。
1. 一款辣椒育种芯片的“打磨”和“测试”,四川省科技厅项目(国际合作),主研,项目编号2023YFH0015,2023.1-2024.12
6.分离、鉴定控制辣椒叶片花色素甘合成的R2R3-MYB基因,四川省教育厅(重点项目), 2013.01-2015.12,主持,项目编号2013ZA0248
(1)Shan-Shan Song#, Qian Hao#, Li-Hong Su#, Shi-Wei Xia, Rui-Jing Zhang, Yan-Jun Liu, Yu Li, Yuan-Ying Zhu, Qiu-Yu Luo and Yun-Song Lai*.FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene regulates short-day flowering in low latitude Xishuangbanna cucumber (Cucumis sativus var. xishuangbannanesis).Vegetable Research, 3:15.
(2) Shi-Wei Xia#, Lin-Feng Hang#, Siyad Ali, Xiao-Yu Xu, Yan-Jun Liu, Qian-Qian Yan, Qiu-Yu Luo, Yu Li,Li-Jing Lin, Huan-Xiu Li, Xiao-Ai Zhang, Lin-Kai Huang, Xiao Ma and Yun-Song Lai*. Biosynthesis and Metabolism of Garlic Odor Compounds in Cultivated Chinese Chives (Allium tuberosum) and Wild Chinese Chives (Allium hookeri). International Journal of Molecular Science, 2022, 23:7013.
(3) Radwa Salah#, Rui-Jin Zhang#, Shi-Wei Xia, Shan-Shan Song, Qian Hao, Mustafa H. Hashem, Huan-Xiu Li, Yu Li, Xi-Xiang Li and Yun-Song Lai*. Higher Phytohormone Contents and Weaker Phytohormone Signal Transduction Were Observed in Cold-Tolerant Cucumber. Plants, 2022, 11:961.
(4) Bin Liu, Jinyang Weng, Dailu Guan, Yan Zhang, Qingliang Niu, Enrique López-Juez, Yunsong Lai, Jordi Garcia-Mas and Danfeng Huan. A domestication-associated gene, CsLH, encodes a phytochrome B protein that regulates hypocotyl elongation in cucumber. Molecular Horticulture, 2021, 1:3.
(5) Jin-Song Du#, Lin-Feng Hang#, Qian Hao, Hai-Tao Yang, Siyad Ali, Radwa Salah Ezaat Badawy, Xiao-Yu Xu,Hua-Qiang Tan, Li-Hong Su, Huan-Xiu Li, Kai-Xi Zou, Yu Li, Bo Sun, Li-Jin Lin and Yun-Song Lai*. The dissection of R genes and locus Pc5.1 in Phytophthora capsici infection provides a novel view of disease resistance in peppers. BMC Genomics, 2021, 22:372
(6)Xiaohui Zhang, Yun-Song Lai, Wei Zhang, Jalil Ahmad, Yang Qiu, Xiaoxue Zhang, Mengmeng Duan, Tongjin Liu, Jiangping Song, Haiping Wang and Xixiang Li. MicroRNAs and their targets in cucumber shoot apices in response to temperature and photoperiod. BMC Genomics, 2018, 18:819.
(7)Yun-Song Lai, Xiaohui Zhang, Wei Zhang, Di Shen, Haiping Wang, Yudong Xia, Yang Qiu, Jiangping Song, Chenchen Wang, Xixiang Li; The association of changes in DNA methylation with temperature-dependent sex determination in cucumber. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2017 68 (11):2899-2912. (IF=5.83) 5月17日
(8)Yun-Song Lai, Wei Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Di Shen, Haiping Wang, Yang Qiu, Jiangping Song and Xixiang Li. Integrative analysis of transcriptomic and methylomic data in photoperiod-dependent regulation of cucumber sex expression. G3: Genes, Genomies, Genetics, 2018, 8: 3981-3991.
(9)Yun-Song Lai, Di Shen, Wei Zhang, Xiaohui Zhang, Yang Qiu, Haiping Wang, Xinxin Dou,Sigeng Li,Yuanqi Wu, Jiangping Song, Guanyu Ji and Xixiang Li. Temperature and photoperiod changes affect cucumber sex expression by different epigenetic regulations, BMC Plant Biology, 2018:268. (IF=3.92)
(10)Yun-Song Lai, Sha Li, Qian Tang, Huan-Xiu Li, Shen-Xiang Chen, Pin-Wu Li, Jin-Yi Xu, Yan Xu, Xiang Guo. The dark-purple tea cultivar ‘Ziyan’ accumulates a large amount of delphinidin-related anthocyanins. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 2016, 64(13):2719:2726. (IF=3.154)
(11) Yun-Song Lai, Hai-Qing Huang, Meng-Yun Xu, Liang-Chao Wang, Xiao-Bo, Zhang, Ji-Wen Zhang, Ju-Min Tu. Development of insect-resistant hybrid rice by introgressing the Bt gene from Bt rice Huahui No.1 into II-32A/B, a widely used cytogenic male sterile system, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2014, Vol 13(10), pp2081-2090. (IF=1.041)
(12)Yunsong Lai, Qian Tang. Characterization of anthocyanins and major biochemical components in a dark-purple Camellia cultivar ‘Ziyan’. International Tea Symposium 2014: Innovation and Development, November 10-13, 2014, Hangzhou, China (国际会议论文)
(13)Yunsong Lai, Huanxiu Li, Masumi Yamagishi. A review of target gene specificity of flavonoid R2R3-MYB transcription factors and a discussion of factors contributing to the target gene selectivity. Frontiers in Biology, 2013, Vol 8(6), pp577-598. (CSCD)
(14)Yunsong Lai, Yoshihiro Shimoyamada, Masayoshi Nakayama, Masumi Yamagishi. Pigment accumulation and transcription of LhMYB12 and anthocyanin biosynthesis genes during flower development of Asiatic hybrid lily (Lilium spp.), Plant Science, 2012, Vol 193-194, pp136-147. (IF=3.437)
(15)Yunsong Lai, Masumi Yamagishi, Takashi Suzuki. Elevated temperature inhibits anthocyanin biosynthesis in the tepals of an Oriental hybrid lily via the suppression of LhMYB12 transcription, Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, Vol 132, pp59-65. (IF=1.624)
(16)赖云松, 王亚, 凃巨民. ICP蛋白和VIP蛋白杀虫机理和毒性专一性的分子基础.华中农业大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, Vol 27, pp680-690. (CSCD)
(17)Yuanyuan Zhao, Sha, Li, Ruijin Zhang, Lihong Su, Huanxiu Li, Yunsong Lai*. Phenotypic diversity of photosynthetic characteristics in 16 cucumber accessions selected from the core collection. Edt. H. B. Ding and Z. Yuan. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Biological Sciences and Technology (BST2016), January 8-10, 2016, Guangzhou, China, pp360-364. (国际会议论文)
(18)李莎,赵媛媛,李焕秀,唐懿,汪志辉,赖云松*,辣椒品种川农泡椒1号光合特性及其与产量的关系研究,辣椒杂志,2015,Vol 13(2):30-33
(20)Jin Wang, Lijing Lin, Li Luo, Mingan Liao, Xiulan Lv, Zhihui Wang, Dong Liang, Hui Xia, Xun Wang, Yunsong Lai, Yi Tang, The effects of abscisic acid (ABA) addition on cadmium accumulation of two ecotypes of Solanum photeinocarpum, Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2016, Vol 188(2):182
(21)Lijin Lin, Daiyu Yang, Xun Wang, Mingan Liao, Zhihui Wang, Xiulan Lv, Fuyi Tang, Dong Liang, Hui Xia, Yunsong Lai, Yi Tang, Effects of grafting on the cadmium accumulation characteristics of the potential Cd-hyperaccumulator Solanum photeinocarpum, Environmental monitoring and assessment, 2016, Vol 188(2):182
(22)Huaqiang Tan, Haitao Huang, Manman Tie, Yi Tang, Yunsong Lai, Huanxiu Li. Transcriptome Profiling of two asparagus bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp.sesquipedalis) cultivars differing in chilling tolerance under cold stress. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0151105. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151105
(23)韩楠,唐茜,赖云松,敖天茂,彭敏,四川引进的茶树特色品种黄金芽、金光、郁金香的光合特性,西南农业学报,2015, Vol 28(4):1600-1605
(1)刘旭; 郑殿升; 刘作易; …; 赖云松. 贵州农业生物资源调查, 科学出版社, 2019, 北京.
(2)向宝云;谢越;陈文宽;…;赖云松. 麻辣川椒2.0, 四川人民出版社, 2020, 成都.
1. 主讲研究生课程“蔬菜遗传与育种”、“专业英语与论文写作”。
2. 主讲博士生课程“现代园艺学前沿进展”、“蔬菜遗传与育种”。
1. 累计指导博士生3人,指导研究生18人,其中留学生4人。
2. 指导本科生、研究生参加各类创新创业大赛(挑战杯,创青春,互联网+,等),获得国家级奖励2项,省级以上奖励10项,指导国家级创新创业训练项目1项。
本人带领“蔬菜种质创新团队”,团队成员结构为教授1名,副教授1名,科研助理一名,以及研究生若干。副教授为来自埃及的Mustafa Hashem博士。本团队从事辣椒、黄瓜、十字花科蔬菜的分子遗传研究和分子育种研究,已经经过几年的前期沉淀。本人团队是一个年轻有活力的团队,期待同样年轻有活力的研究生你加入。