蔡易 更新日期:2024-03-21
工作单位 生命科学学院
电子邮箱 yicai@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【博士】:071010生物化学与分子生物学,【学硕】:071010生物化学与分子生物学,【专硕】:086000生物与医药
蔡易,男,教授,博士生导师。2010年于香港中文大学获得博士学位,2011-2014年分别于香港中文大学与哈佛医学院从事博士后研究,2014年进入四川农业大学从事教学科研工作。从事科研工作以来,在《Plant Cell》,《Trends in Plant Science》,《Plant Journal》,《Plant Physiology》,《Journal of Experimental Botany》等国际植物学权威期刊上发表SCI收录论文30余篇,先后主持国家人力资源和社会保障部“高层次留学人才回国工作资助”(该年度四川省唯一获得人选)、四川省“天府峨眉计划创业领军人才”、霍英东基金会“青年教师基金”等省部级项目7项,获教育部自然科学奖二等奖一项。
2014.6-至今 四川农业大学,生命科学学院,教授,博士生导师
2013.4-2014.5 哈佛医学院,遗传学系,博士后
2010.11-2013.3 香港中文大学,生命科学学院,博士后
2006.8-2010.10 香港中文大学,生物学,博士
2002.9-2005.6 南开大学,微生物学,硕士
1998.9-2002.6 南开大学,微生物学,学士
18. Li J.*, Huang Y., Yu X., Wu Q., Diao Z., Man X., You H., Shen J., Cai Y.# Screening and application of drought resistant CLE peptides in Solanaceae crops. J. Agric. Food Chem., in revision.
17. Yu X.*, Huang Z.*, Cheng Y., Hu K., Zhou Y., Yao H., Shen J., Huang Y., Cai Y.# Comparative genomic screens identify a novel small secretory peptide SlSolP12 from Solanaceae plants that activates systemic resistance in tomatoes and exhibits broad-spectrum activity. Crop J., under review.
16. Li J.*, Guo J.*, Hu Y., Cui J., Huang Y., Wang Y., Tang Y., Wu Q., Diao Z., Shen J., Cai Y.# Receptor cytoplasmic kinase SZE1 interacts with BAK1 and positively regulates the PTI signaling pathway. J Plant Res, under review.
15. Diao Z.*, Yang R.*, Wang Y., Cui J., Li J., Wu Q., Zhang Y., Yu X., Gong B., Huang Y., Yu G., Yao H., Guo J., Zhang H., Shen J., Gust A., Cai Y.# (2023) Functional screening of the Arabidopsis 2C protein phosphatases family identifies PP2C15 as a negative regulator of plant immunity by targeting BRI1-associated receptor kinase 1. Mol. Plant Pathol., accepted.
14. Yu X.*, Wang H., Lei F., Li R., Yao H., Shen J., Ain N., Cai Y.# (2023) Structure and functional divergence of PIP peptide family revealed by functional studies on PIP1 and PIP2 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Front. Plant Sci., 14:1208549.
13. Huang Y.*, Yang R.*, Luo H., Yang Y., Diao Z., Li J., Gong S., Yu G., Yao H., Zhang H., Cai Y.# (2023) Arabidopsis protein phosphatase PIA1 impairs plant drought tolerance by serving as a common negative regulator in ABA signaling pathway. Plants, 12:2176.
12. Huang Y.*, Cui J.*, Li M.*, Yang R., Hu Y., Yu X., Chen Y., Wu Q., Yao H., Yu G., Guo J., Zhang H., Wu S.#, Cai Y.# (2023) Conservation and divergence of flg22, pep1 and nlp20 in activation of immune response and inhibition of root development. Plant Sci., 331:111686.
11. Huang Y.*#, Li J.*, Huang T.*, Bai X., Li Q., Gong Y., Hoy R., He Z., Liu J., Liao J., Yuan M., Ding C., Li X., Cai Y.# (2023) The homeostasis of R protein RPS2 is regulated negatively by the RING-type E3 ligase MUSE16. J. Exp. Bot., 74:2160-2172.
10. Cui J.*, Hu Y., Huang Y., Guo J., Xie X., Zhang H., Cai Y.# (2022) Loss of function mutation of IOS1 in Arabidopsis is more sensitive to salt stress. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep., 40:68-80.
9. Huang Y.*, Li T.*, Xu T., Tang Z., Guo J., Cai Y.# (2020) Multiple Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris 8004 type III effectors inhibit immunity induced by flg22. Planta, 252:88.
8. Xie X.*, He Z.*, Chen N., Tang Z., Wang Q., Cai Y.# (2019) The roles of environmental factors in regulation of oxidative stress in plant. BioMed Res. Int., 2019:9732325. (ESI高被引论文)
7. Guo J.*, Miao Y., Cai Y.# (2017) Analysis of membrane protein topology in the plant secretory pathway. Methods Mol. Biol., 1662:87-95.
6. Wang X.*, Cai Y.*, Gao C., Zhuang X. and Jiang L.# (2014) Trans-Golgi Network-Located AP1 Gamma Adaptins Mediate Dileucine Motif-Directed Vacuolar Targeting in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 26:4102-4118.
5. Cai, Y.*, Zhuang X.*, Gao C.*, Wang X.* and Jiang L.# (2014) A Systematic Analysis of Arabidopsis Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport III (ESCRT-III) Complex in Regulating Prevacuolar Compartment-mediated Protein Sorting and Plant Development. Plant Physiol., 165:1328-1343.
4. Gao C.*, Cai Y.*, Wang Y., Kang B., Aniento F., Robinson D.G., Jiang L.# (2014) Retention Mechanisms for ER and Golgi Membrane Proteins. Trends Plant Sci., 19:508-515.
3. Cai Y.*, Zhuang X.*, Wang J., Wang H., Lam S.K., Gao C., Wang X. and Jiang L.# (2012) Vacuolar degradation of two plasma membrane proteins, AtLRR84A and OsSCAMP1, is cargo ubiquitination-independent and prevacuolar compartment-mediated in plant cells. Traffic, 13:1023-1040.
2. Cai Y.*, Jia T., Lam S.K., Ding Y., Gao C., San M.W., Pimpl P. and Jiang L.# (2011) Multiple cytosolic and transmembrane determinants are required for the trafficking of SCAMP1 via an ER-Golgi-TGN-PM pathway. Plant J., 65:882-896.
1. Lam S.K.*, Cai Y.*, Tse Y.C., Wang J., Law A.H., Pimpl P., Chan H.Y., Xia J., and Jiang L.# (2009) BFA-induced compartments from the Golgi apparatus and trans-Golgi network/early endosome are distinct in plant cells. Plant J., 60:865-881.
本人为“新型小肽类生物农药的创制与利用”团队负责人,团队成员5人。团队以国家“两减”战略为导向,开发高效安全具备不同功能的靶向小肽农药,建立以小肽为核心的植物病虫害绿色防控理论和应用体系,以期降低化学农药的使用量,保障粮食安全、生命健康和生态平衡。本研究组利用分子生物学技术、组学技术以及系统与合成生物学技术围绕以下三个方向开展研究:一、调控植物抗病、抗逆和发育的小肽信号挖掘及机理阐释。二、新型小肽类生物农药的研制。三、小肽介导的植物-病原-环境微生物互作。团队研究成果发表于J. Exp. Bot., Front. Plant Sci., Plant Sci.等期刊。团队主持国家自然科学基金项目4项、霍英东教育基金会青年教师基金1项、四川省杰出青年基金等省部级科研项目10余项,经费500余万。2人次入选四川省天府峨眉计划,申请中美发明专利6项,并初步实现成果转化。