雷霆 更新日期:2024-03-01
工作单位 风景园林学院
电子邮箱 150077856@qq.com
招生专业 【学硕】:090706园林植物与观赏园艺,【专硕】:086200风景园林
1、本科:2004-2008 四川农业大学 观赏园艺

1、本科:2004-2008 四川农业大学 观赏园艺








[1] Li W, Gao S, Lei T, et al. Transcriptome analysis revealed a cold stress-responsive transcription factor, PaDREB1A, in Plumbago auriculata that can confer cold tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022: 499.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.760460
[2] Shi L, Gao S, Lei T, et al. An integrated strategy for polyploidization of Ceratostigma willmottianum Stapf based on tissue culture and chemical mutagenesis and the carbon dioxide fixation ability of tetraploids[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2022: 1-16.
[3] Yurong Li,Wenji Li,Di Hu,Ting Lei,Ping Shen,Jiani Li,Suping Gao. Metabolomics Analysis Reveals the Role of Cyanidin Metabolism in Plumbago auriculata Flower Color[J]. Journal of Plant Biology,2021, 64(3): 253-265.
[4] Suping Gao,Wenji Li,Meiting Hong,Ting Lei,Ping Shen,Jiani Li,Mingyan Jiang,Yifan Duan,Lisha Shi. The nonreciprocal heterostyly and heterotypic self-incompatibility of Ceratostigma willmottianum [J]. Journal of plant research, 2021, 134(3): 543-557.
[5] Ting Lei,Suping Gao,Xiao Lin,Kaihui Zhang,Yingqi Liu,Wenji Li,Di Hu,Xiaofang Yu,Mingyan Jiang,Qibing Chen,Ying Sun. Calcium signalling mediated the regulation of growth and polysaccharide accumulation by light quality in Dendrobium officinale protocorms[J]. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology,2021, 62: 287–297.
[6] Ping Shen,Suping Gao,Xi Chen,Ting Lei,Wenji Li,Yuanxiang Huang,Yurong Li,Mingyan Jiang,Di Hu,Yifan Duan,Mei Li,Jiani Li. Genetic analysis of main flower characteristics in the F 1 generation derived from intraspecific hybridization between Plumbago auriculata and Plumbago auriculata f. alba[J]. Scientia Horticulturae,2020,274:109652.
[7] Di Hu,Suping Gao,Wenji Li,Ting Lei,Yingqi Liu,Qiao Li,Jiani Li,Mingyan Jiang. Dissecting the distyly response to pollination using metabolite profiling in heteromorphic incompatibility system interactions of Plumbago auriculata Lam[J]. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2020,42(7): 433-445
[8] Wenji Li,Suping Gao,Qiao Li,Ping Shen,Yurong Li,Di Hu,Ting Lei,Xi Chen,Jiani Li. Transcriptome profiling of Plumbago auriculata Lam. in response to cold stress[J]. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2020,42(4):281-295
[9] Mingyan Jiang,Xinyi Cai,Jiarong Liao,Yixiong Yang,Qibing Chen,Suping Gao,Xiaofang Yu,Zhenghua Luo,Ting Lei,Bingyang Lv,Shiliang Liu. Different strategies for lead detoxification in dwarf bamboo tissues[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2020,193:110329.
[10] Di Hu,Wenji Li,Suping Gao,Ting Lei,Ju Hu,Ping Shen,Yurong Li,Jiani Li. Untargeted metabolomic profiling reveals that different responses to self and cross pollination in each flower morph of the heteromorphic plant Plumbago auriculata[J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2019,144:413-426
[11] Yulan Jiang, Shiliang Liu, Ju Hu, Guangti He, Yingqi Liu, Xi Chen, Ting Lei, Qiao Li, Lijuan Yang, Wenji Li, Di Hu, Jiani Li, Suping Gao. Polyploidization of Plumbago auriculata Lam. in vitro and its characterization including cold tolerance[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2020, 140(2): 315-325.
[12] 廖家蓉,蔡心怡,陈雅慧,杜箫宇,杨轶雄,雷霆,江明艳.土壤铅胁迫对地被竹出笋成竹的影响研究[J].西北植物学报,2019,39(06):1085-1095.
[13] Hu J, Gao S, Liu S, et al. An aseptic rapid propagation system for obtaining plumbagin of Ceratostigma willmottianum Stapf[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2019, 137: 369-377.
[14] 刘泽明,孙颖,高玉春,龙怀聪,雷霆,杜恒健.诺米林通过抑制TLR4/NF-κB炎症通路减轻克雷伯菌老年肺炎大鼠模型炎症反应[J].中国免疫学杂志,2019,35(08):970-975.
[15] 唐瑞敏,朱可卉,卢佳莹,雷霆.成都三环高架桥下弱光环境特征及植物配置策略[J].现代园艺,2019(03):25-29.
[16] 江睿熠,张贤,丁海燕,邵诗琪,雷霆,陈其兵.金叶过路黄茎叶对持续践踏胁迫的响应[J].现代园艺,2019(02):4-6.
[17] 赵云芳,代佳灵,高素萍,雷霆,蒋雨兰,张芯周,朱俞婷.蓝花丹花芽分化外部形态与解剖结构的关系[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2018,42(06):203-208.
[18] Suping Gao,Yuan Zhu,Lingyun Zhou,Xiaofeng Fu,Ting Lei,Qibing Chen,Xiaofang Yu,Yonghong Zhou,Wenji Li,Ju Hu,Di Hu,Wenhui Si. Sucrose signaling function on the formation and swelling of bulblets of Lilium sargentiae EH Wilson[J]. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 2018, 135(1): 143-153.
[19] 朱原,高素萍,罗良旭,胡菊,雷霆,付晓凤.蓝花丹叶片不定根的诱导与光质对其白花丹素积累影响[J].四川农业大学学报,2018,36(03):337-343.
[20] Yu-Lin Jiang,Zhuo Huang,Jin-Qiu Liao,Hui-Xing Song,Xiao-Mei Luo,Su-Ping Gao,Ting Lei,Ming-Yan Jiang,Yin Jia,Qi-Bing Chen,Xiao-Fang Yu,Yong-Hong Zhou. Phylogenetic analysis of IRIS L. from China on chloroplast TRN L-F sequences[J]. Biologia,2018,73(5): 459-466
[21] Shouli Yi,Di Hu,Suping Gao,Ting Lei,Qibin Chen. Landscape design strategies for post-disaster reconstructions based on traditional ethical wisdom[C]//AIP Conference Proceedings. AIP Publishing LLC, 2018, 1944(1): 020020.
[22] 李文骥,高素萍,雷霆,张硕,吴佩纹,赵志惠.蓝花丹开花生物学观测及花粉储存研究[J].植物科学学报,2017,35(06):874-883.
[23] 罗良旭,高素萍,王成聪,雷霆,闻金燕,罗雁.紫萼玉簪种子和幼苗对酸雨与镉复合污染的生理生态响应[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2017,43(02):192-202.
[24] 雷霆,赵晨宇,李帆,高素萍. 蓝花丹染色体制片优化及核型分析[A]. 中国园艺学会观赏园艺专业委员会、国家花卉工程技术研究中心.中国观赏园艺研究进展2016[C].中国湖南长沙.
[25] 闻金燕,张硕,高素萍,雷霆,罗良旭,罗雁.蓝花丹二型花雌、雄蕊发育进程及内源激素对花柱生长的影响[J].植物科学学报,2016,34(02):263-270.
[26] 雷霆,高素萍,谢苑,杨丽娟.白三叶化感作用的物候规律与关键部位[J].西北大学学报(自然科学版),2016,46(02):235-238.
[27] 雷霆,王靖岚,赖炘,陈其兵.大熊猫主食竹巴山木竹挥发性成分分析[J].世界竹藤通讯,2015,13(05):16-20.
[28] 雷霆,江明艳,刘一颖,陈其兵,华锡奇.新品种竹海硬头黄选育试验初报[J].竹子研究汇刊,2015,34(04):28-31.
[29] 张开会,高素萍,闻金燕,雷霆,林啸.外源NO对高羊茅镉伤害缓解效应研究[J].草地学报,2015,23(02):338-345.
[30] 王成聪,高素萍,黄丽,林啸,张硕,雷霆.模拟酸雨与Cd对紫萼膜脂过氧化及形态特征的影响[J].草业学报,2014,23(06):336-341.
[31] 林啸,高素萍,雷霆,王成聪,张开会.镉胁迫下外源钙对白菜氧化应激和NO含量的影响[J].农业环境科学学报,2014,33(09):1699-1705.
[32] 雷霆,高素萍,张岚,杨丽娟.高羊茅与黑麦草混播种间相互作用对密度效应的响应[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2014,38(04):81-86.
[33] 高素萍,何海峰,雷霆,杨磊,郭扬.冰冻灾后不同措施对孝顺竹发笋与生长的影响[J].南京林业大学学报(自然科学版),2011,35(01):119-122.
[34] 易守理,雷霆,高素萍.低温胁迫对两种丛生竹抗氧化剂活性影响的研究[J].北方园艺,2010(19):153-156.
[35] 高素萍,王娟,赵志惠,何海峰,雷霆,谢婧蕾,裴媛媛,袁欣.雨雪冰冻灾害对撑绿竹发笋及幼竹高生长影响[J].竹子研究汇刊,2010,29(03):21-24.
[36] 张雪,高素萍,何海峰,余明艳,雷霆,李兆喆. 四川雅安地区13种凤仙花属植物花粉形态分析[A]. 中国林学会.第九届中国林业青年学术年会论文摘要集[C].中国林学会:中国
[37] 雷霆,易守理,高素萍. 低温胁迫对两种丛生竹SOD,APX,POD活性的影响[A]. 中国林学会.第九届中国林业青年学术年会论文摘要集[C].中国林学会:中国林学会,2010:1.