1.第一作者,Role of EDTA in alleviating lead toxicity in accumulator species of Sedum alfredii H. Bioresource Technology, 2008, 99(14):6088-6096 (IF2008=4.45)
2.第一作者,The phytoremediation potential of bioenergy crop Ricinus communis for DDTs and cadmium co-contaminated soil. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(23):11034-11038 (IF2011=4.98)
3.第一作者,Heavy metal phytoextraction by Sedum alfredii is affected by continual clipping and phosphorus fertilization amendment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2012, 24(3): 376-386 (IF2012=1.77)
4.第一作者,Lead Tolerance and Physiological Adaptation Mechanism in Roots of Accumulating and Non-accumulating Ecotypes of Sedum alfredii. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2012,19(5):1640-1651 (IF2012=2.65)
5.第一作者,Moderate phosphorus application enhances Zn mobility and uptake in hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013,20(5): 2844-2853 (IF2013=2.62)
6.通讯作者, Using biochar for remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals and organic pollutants. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013,20:8472–8483 (IF2013=2.62)
7.通讯作者, Biochar reduces the bioavailability of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in soil. Chemosphere, 2016,142:24–27 (IF2016=4.21)
8.通讯作者, Bioavailability of Cd and Zn in soils treated with biochars derived from tobacco stalk and dead pigs. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017,17(3):751–762 (IF2017=2.74)
9.第一作者, 典型设施栽培地区养分平衡及其环境风险.农业环境科学学报,2007, 26(2): 676-682
11.第一作者,植物对铅胁迫的耐性及其解毒机制研究进展. 应用生态学报,2009, 20 (3): 696-704
12.第一作者,可溶性磷肥对重金属复合污染土壤植物提取及养分积累的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报,2012,18(2): 82-389.
19.第一作者,微生物帮助烟草抗旱的机理及应用.应用生态学报, 2017,28(09):3099-3110.
21.第一作者,不同氮素来源对烤烟上部叶碳氮代谢及其基因表达的影响. 南方农业学报,2018, 49(3):462-468.
22.D. K. Gupta, H. G. Huang, F. J. Corpas. Lead tolerance in plants: strategies for phytoremediation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2013,20: 2150–2161 (IF2013=2.76)
23.D.K. Gupta, H.G. Huang, X.E. Yang, B.H.N. Raza?ndrabe, M. Inouhe. The detoxi?cation of lead in Sedum alfredii H. is not related to phytochelatins but the glutathione. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2010, 177: 437–444. (IF2010=3.72)
24.Kai Wang, Huagang Huang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Tingqiang Li, Zhenli He , Xiaoe Yang, Ashok Alva. Phytoextraction of Metals and Rhizoremediation of PAHs in Co-contaminated Soil by Co-planting of Sedum alfredii with Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) or Castor (Ricinus communis). International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2013, 15(3):283-298 (IF2013=1.47)
25.Kai Wang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Huagang Huang, Zhenli He, Tingqiang Li, Xiao-e Yang. Interactive effects of Cd and PAHs on Cd removal by hyperaccumulator plant Sedum alfredii and dissipation of PAHs in co-contaminated soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2012,12(4): 556-564 (IF2012=1.97)
26.Shujin Zhang, Tingxuan Li, Huagang Huang, Tongjing Zou, Xizhou Zhang, Haiying Yu, Zicheng Zheng,Yongdong Wang. Cd accumulation and phytostabilization potential of dominant plants surrounding mining tailings. Environment Science Pollution Research, 2012,1135 (12): 1060-1064 (IF2012=2.65)
27.Zhi-qiang Zhu, Xiao-e Yang, Kai Wang, Hua-gang Huang, Xin-cheng Zhang, Hua Fang, Ting-qiang Li, A. K. Alva. Bioremediation of Cd-DDT co-contaminated soil using the Cd-hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii and DDT-degrading microbes. Journal of Hazardous Materials,2012, 235-236:144-151 (IF2012=3.93)
28.Kai Wang, Jie Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhu, Huagang Huang, Tingqiang Li, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang, Ashok Alva. Pig manure vermicompost (PMVC) can improve phytoremediation of Cd and PAHs co-contaminated soil by Sedum alfredii. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2012,12(7): 1089-1099 (IF2012=1.97)
29.Sheng-ke Tian, Ling-li Lu, Xiao-e Yang, Hua-gang Huang, Patrick Brown, John Labavitch, Hai-bing Liao, Zhen-li He. The impact of EDTA on lead distribution and speciation in the accumulator Sedum alfredii by synchrotron X-ray investigation. Environmental Pollution, 2011, 159(3): 782-788. (IF2011=3.75)
30.S.K. Chaudhary, U.N. Rai, K. Mishra, H.G. Huang, X.E. Yang, M.Inouhe, D.K. Gupta. Growth and metal accumulation potential of Vigna radiata L. grown under fly-ash amendments. Ecological Engineering, 2011, 37(10): 1583–1588. (IF2011=3.11)
31.SK Tian, LL Lu, XE Yang, HG Huang, K Wang, P Brown. Root metabolic adaptations to cadmium-induced oxidative stress contribute to Cd tolerance in the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii. Biologia Plantarum, 2012, 56(2): 344-350 (IF2012=1.69)
32.D. K. Gupta, F. T. Nicoloso, M. R. Schetinger, L. V. Rossato, H. G. Huang, S. Srivastava, X. E. Yang. Lead induced responses of Pfaffia glomerata, an economically important Brazilian medicinal plant, under in vitro culture conditions. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2011, 86(3):272–277. (IF2011=1.02)
33.D.K. Gupta, R.D. Tripathi, S Mishra, S Srivastava, S Dwivedi, UN Rai, XE Yang, H Huang, M Inouhe. Arsenic accumulation in root and shoot vis-a-vis its effects on growth and level of phytochelatins in seedlings of Cicer arietinum L. Journal of Environmental Biology, 2008,29(3):281-286. (IF2008=0.64)
34.Guangli Xiao, Tingxuan Li, Xizhou Zhang, Haiying Yu, Huagang Huang, D.K. Gupta. Uptake and accumulation of phosphorus by dominant plant species growing in a phosphorus mining area. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 171:542-550. (IF2009=4.14)
35.Guangli Xiao, Tingxuan Li,Xizhou Zhang, Haiying Yu, Huagang Huang. Effect of Different Phosphorus Treatments on the Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Pilea sinofasciata. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2010,41:1433-1444 (IF2010=0.43)
36.Tongjing Zou, Tingxuan Li, Xizhou Zhang, Haiying Yu, Huagang Huang. Lead accumulation and phytostabilization potential of dominant plant species growing in a lead–zinc mine tailing. Environmental Earth Sciences,2012,65: 621-630 (IF2012=1.45)
37.Xuan HAN, Cheng-feng LIANG, Ting-qiang LI, Kai WANG, Hua-gang HUANG, Xiao-e YANG. Simultaneous removal of cadmium and sulfamethoxazole from aqueous solution by rice straw biochar. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B (Biomedicine & Biotechnology),2013, 14(7):640-649 (IF2013=1.29)
38.S. J. Zhang, T. X. Li, H. G. Huang, X. Z. Zhang, H. Y. Yu, Z. C. Zheng, Y. D. Wang, T. J. Zou. Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Athyrium wardii (Hook.). International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,2014, 11(3):757-764 (IF2014=2.19)
39.Kouping Lu, Xing Yang, Jiajia Shen, Brett Robinson, Huagang Huang, Dan Liu, Nanthi Bolan, Jianchuan Pei, Hailong Wang. Effect of bamboo and rice straw biochars on the bioavailability of Cd,Cu, Pb and Zn to Sedum plumbizincicola. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment ,2014,191:124–132 (IF2014=3.40)
40.Lizhi He, Gerty Gielen, Nanthi S. Bolan, Xiaokai Zhang,,Hua Qin, Huagang Huang, Hailong Wang. Contamination and remediation of phthalic acid esters in agricultural soils in China: a review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2015, 35:519–534 (IF2015=4.14)
41.Xing Yang, Jingjing Liu, Kim McGrouther, Huagang Huang, Kouping Lu, Xi Guo, Lizhi He, Xiaoming Lin, Lei Che, Zhengqian Ye, Hailong Wang. Effect of biochar on the extractability of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb,and Zn) and enzyme activity in soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23:974–984 (IF2016=2.74)