胥伟 更新日期:2024-09-23
工作单位 园艺学院
行政职务 茶学系副主任
单位电话 19982030532
电子邮箱 xuweianti@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【学硕】:090203茶学,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
胥伟, 汉族,湖南汉寿人,1985年9月生,中共党员,茶学博士,硕士研究生导师。长期从事茶叶加工及品质管理的科研工作,主持(研)省部级及以上科研项目多项,在SCI/EI/CSCD等收录的期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文数篇;主编或参编专著或教材5部。
2010年8月至2015年8月 陕西省商贸学校
2018年7月至今 四川农业大学园艺学院茶学系
2024-2026年四川省“三区”科技人员;2023年中央“三区”科技人员;2019-2022年四川省专家服务团专家;2019-2020年四川省“三区”科技人员;四川省科技特派员马边团副团长;《Food Chemistry》、《Food Research International》、《Journal of Food Measurement & Characterization》、《Food Frontiers》、《茶叶科学》期刊审稿人。
1. 主持四川省国际合作项目(2023-2024):优势微生物调控红茶品质形成机理及应用;
2. 技术主持四川省重点研发计划(2023-2025):马边彝茶多元化精深加工关键技术研发及示范;
3. 主持区校合作项目(2022):曲霉胞外酶制剂应用雅安藏茶生产的工艺研究;
4. 主持校企合作项目:彝茶中心(2022-2024):技术研发;
5. 技术主持四川省科技扶贫专项(2022-2023):马边绿1号茶树品种创新利用与集成示范;
6. 技术主持四川省科技扶贫专项(2021-2023):马边茶叶产业提质增效关键技术集成及示范;
7. 技术主持四川省科技扶贫专项(2020-2021):广元朝天区茶叶产业提质增效技术集成及示范;
8. 参与国家重点研发计划(2019-2021):茶叶、木耳扶贫产业链提质增效技术集成与示范;
9. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020):CRISPR/Cas9介导的茶树基因组定向编辑系统构建及茶树遗传转化体系改良;
10. 主持湖南省研究生科研创新项目(2016-2018):霉变黑茶理化研究。
Ling Lin#,Keke Li#, Yajie Hua,..., Bo Sun*, Qian Tang*, Wei Xu*(2024)Dynamic changes of anthocyanins during ‘Ziyan’ tea wine processing. Food Chemistry: X.

Wei Xu#,Lin Xiang#, Yiduo Chen,..., Bouphun Tunyaluk*, Ling Lin*(2024)Risk assessment of citrinin in Chinese dark tea and inhibitory effects of tea polyphenols on citrinin production. LWT-food science and technology.

Wei Xu#,Yinglin Zhu#, Ling Lin,..., Bouphun Tunyaluk*, Pinwu Li*(2024)Dynamic changes in volatile components during dark tea wine processing. LWT-food science and technology.

Wei Xu#,Yiqiao Zhao#, Yating Lv,..., Mingzhi Zhu*, Yao Zou*(2023)Variations in microbial diversity and chemical components of raw dark tea under different relative humidity storage conditions. Food Chemistry X.

Wei Xu#,Xiaoxuan Wang#, Wen-bao Jia,Binhan Wen,Si-yu Liao,..., Tunyaluk Bouphun*, Yao Zou*(2023)Dynamic changes in the major chemical and volatile components during the “Ziyan” tea wine processing. LWT-food science and technology.

Jia W, Tang Q, Zou Y, Yang Y, Wu W and Xu W* (2023) Investigating the antidepressant effect of Ziyan green tea on chronic unpredictable mild stress mice through fecal metabolomics.Front. Microbiol. 14:1256142.

Zou Y*, Liu M, Lai Y, Liu X, Li X, Li Y, Tang Q and Xu W* (2023) The glycoside hydrolase gene family profile and microbial function of Debaryomyces hansenii Y4 during South-road dark tea fermentation.Front. Microbiol.14:1229251.

Wei Xu#,Yi-qiao Zhao#, Wen-bao Jia,Si-yu Liao, Tunyaluk Bouphun*, Yao Zou*(2023)Reviews of fungi and mycotoxins in Chinese dark tea. Frontiers in Microbiology.

Si-yu Liao,Yi-qiao Zhao, Wen-bao Jia,Li Niu, Tunyaluk Bouphun, Pin-wu Li, Sheng-xiang Chen, Wei Chen, Dan-dan Tang, Yue-ling Zhao, Yao Zou*, Ming-zhi Zhu* and Wei Xu* (2023)Untargeted metabolomics and quantification analysis reveal the shift of chemical constituents between instant dark teas individually liquid-state fermented by Aspergillus cristatus, Aspergillus niger, and Aspergillus tubingensis. Frontiers in microbiology.

Yi-qiao Zhao, Wen-bao Jia, Si-yu Liao, Lin Xiang, Wei Chen, Yao Zou*, Ming-zhi Zhu* and Wei Xu* (2022)Dietary assessment of ochratoxin A in Chinese dark tea and inhibitory effects of tea polyphenols on ochratoxigenic Aspergillus niger. Frontiers in Microbiology.

Wen-bao Jia, Yi-qiao Zhao, Si-yu Liao, Pin-wu Li,Yao Zou, Sheng-xiang Chen, Wei Chen, Chun-lei He, Xiao Du, Ming-zhi Zhu* and Wei Xu* (2022)Dynamic changes in the diversity and function of bacterial community during black tea processing. Food Research International. 161:111856.

Zou Y*, Zhang Y, Tian Y, Liu M,Yuan Y, Lai Y, Liu X, Xu W*, Tan L,Tang Q, Li P and Xu J (2022)Microbial Community Analysis in Sichuan South-road Dark Tea Piled Center at Pile-Fermentation Metaphase and Insight Into Organoleptic Quality Development Mediated by Aspergillus niger M10. Frontiers in Microbiology.