曾燕 更新日期:2024-07-03
工作单位 动物医学院
单位电话 028-86291162
电子邮箱 yanzeng@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【学硕】:090602预防兽医学,【专硕】:095200兽医
2017.10-2019.10,美国西北大学,人类学系, 联合培养博士
中国畜牧兽医学会动物微生态学分会, 副秘书长和理事
中国兽医协会, 会员
四川省生物信息学学会, 会员
1. 重庆市科研机构绩效激励引导专项(校院合作),澳洲淡水龙虾本土保种繁殖技术研究,2023.09.01-2025.08.31,主持。
2. 绵阳梓兴食品科技有限公司(校企合作),基于芽孢表面展示ASFV、PRV抗原蛋白重组枯草芽孢杆菌的构建及口服疫苗型微生态制剂的研究,2024. 01.01-2027.12.31,主研。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(32270561):基于黏附效应研究大熊猫源益生菌对大肠杆菌诱发肠上皮细胞自噬AMPK/mTOR/ULK1通路的干预机制,2023.01-2026.12,主研。
4. 四川省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(2022NSFSC1771),基于组学技术的草食家畜粪便高效纤维素降解细菌的靶向筛选,2022.01-2023.12,主持。
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31970503): 大熊猫源植物乳杆菌对菌群源化小鼠肠道炎症的预防与治疗机制研究,2020.01-2023.12,主研。
6. 青岛市生物制造行业智库联合基金(QDSWZK202112): 仔猪腹泻病新型靶向微生态制剂创制,2021.01-2022.05,参与。
7. 成都大熊猫繁育研究基金项目(CPF2017-04):临床死亡金丝猴等几种灵长类动物胃肠道微生物宏基因组与代谢的研究,2018.01-2021.12,主研。
[1] Jianzhen Li#, Miao Yang#, Bin Chen, Zhenhua Wang, Yuheng Cao, Yang Yang, Mengwei Zhang, Dongmei Zhang, Xueqin Ni, Yan Zeng*, Kangcheng Pan*. Evaluation of the immunity responses in mice to recombinant Bacillus subtilis displaying Newcastle Disease Virus HN protein truncations[J]. Microorganisms, 2024, 12(3):439.(共同通讯作者)
[2] Benhao Chen#,Yan Zeng#,Jie Wang,Mingxia Lei,Baoxing Gan,Zhiqiang Wan,Liqian Wu,Guangrong Luo,Suizhong Cao,Tianwu An,Qibin Zhang,Kangcheng Pan,Bo Jing,Xueqin Ni* and Dong Zeng*. Targeted screening of fiber degrading bacteria with probiotic function in herbivore feces [J]. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 2024 Feb 1.(共一作者)
[3] Yi Zhou#, Ling Duan#, Yan Zeng#, Xu Song, Kangcheng Pan, Lili Niu, Yang Pu, Jiakun Li, Abdul Khalique, Jing Fang, Bo Jing, Dong Zeng Bairong Shen*, Xueqin Ni*. The panda-derived Lactobacillus plantarum G201683 improves LPS-induced intestinal inflammation and epithelial barrier disruption in vitro. BMC Microbiology, 2023, 23: 249.(共一作者)
[4] Benhao Chen#,Yi Zhou#,Lixiao Duan#,Xuemei Gong,Xingmei Liu, Kangcheng Pan,Dong Zeng*,Xueqin Ni* and Yan Zeng*. Complete genome analysis of Bacillus velezensis TS5 and its potential as a probiotic strain in mice [J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2023,14:1322910.(共同通讯作者)
[5] Yan Zeng#, Yang Pu#, Lili Niu#, Jiabo Deng, Dong Zeng, Katherine Ryan Amato, Yang Li, Yi Zhou, Yicen Lin, Jie Wang, Liqian Wu, Benhao Chen, Kangcheng Pan, Bo Jing, Xueqin Ni*. Comparison of gastrointestinal microbiota in golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae), green monkey (Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus), and ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) by high throughput sequencing. Global Ecology and Conservation,2022,33(e01946): 1-12.(共一作者)
[6] Yi Zhou#, Ling Duan#, Yan Zeng#, Lili Niu, Yang Pu, Jonathan P. Jacobs, Candace Chang, Jie Wang, Abdul Khalique, Kangcheng Pan, Jing Fang, Bo Jing, Dong Zeng*, Xueqin Ni*. The panda-derived Lactobacillus plantarum G201683 alleviates the inflammatory response in DSS-induced panda microbiota- associated mice. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 12: 747045.(共一作者)
[7] Ying Zhao#, Yan Zeng#, Dong Zeng, Hesong Wang, Ning Sun, Jinge Xin, Mengjia Zhou, Hanbo Yang, Lei Lei, Hongli Ling, Abdul Khalique, Danish Sharafat Rajput, Baoxing Gan, Zhiqiang Wan, Zhipeng Yao, Jing Fang, Kangcheng Pan, Gang Shu, Bo Jing, Dongmei Zhang, Xueqin Ni*. Dietary probiotic supplementation suppresses subclinical necrotic enteritis in broiler Chickens in a microbiota-dependent manner. Frontiers in Immunology, 2022, 13: 855426.(共一作者)
[8]蒲阳, 曾东, 严慧娟, 屈羽, 李玉飞, 李杨, 吴礼倩, 曾燕*. 高通量测序分析一只临床死亡阿拉伯狒狒的胃肠道菌群. 中国微生态学杂志, 2022, 34(10):1139-1145.(通讯作者)
[9] Sahana Kuthyar, Martin M. Kowalewski, Dawn M. Roellig, Elizabeth K. Mallott, Yan Zeng, Thomas R. Gillespie, Katherine R. Amato*. Effects of anthropogenic habitat disturbance and Giardia duodenalis infection on a sentinel species gut bacteria. Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 00:1-13.(参与作者)
[10] Yan Zeng#, Dong Zeng#, Yi Zhou#, Lili Niu, Jiabo Deng, Yang Li, Yang Pu, Yicen Lin, Shuai Xu, Qian Liu, Lvchen Xiong, Mengjia Zhou, Kangcheng Pan, Bo Jing, Xueqin Ni*. Microbial biogeography along the gastrointestinal tract of a red panda. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9:1411.(共一作者)
[11] Yan Zeng#, Dong Zeng#, Yan Zhang#, Xueqin Ni*, Jian Wang, Ping Jian, Yi Zhou, Yang Li, Zhongqiong Yin, Kangcheng Pan, Bo Jing. Lactobacillus plantarum BS22 promotes gut microbial homeostasis in broiler chickens exposed to aflatoxin B1. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2017, 102(1): e449-e459.(共一作者)
[12] Yan Zeng#, Dong Zeng#, Xueqin Ni*, Hui Zhu, Ping Jian, Yi Zhou, Shuai Xu, Yicen Lin, Yang Li, Zhongqiong Yin, Kangcheng Pan, Bo Jing. Microbial community compositions in the gastrointestinal tract of Chinese Mongolian sheep using Illumina MiSeq sequencing revealed high microbial diversity. AMB Express, 2017, 7(1):75.(共一作者)
[13] 曾燕#, 简平, 倪学勤*, 周毅,祝辉,曾东*. Illumina MiSeq测序平台分析蒙古羊瘤胃液相和固相细菌群落结构. 动物营养学报, 2015, 27(10):3256- 3262.(第一作者)
[14] 曾燕#,孙朋,倪学勤*,杨杰,曾东,张洪瑜. 不同纤维素培养基及温度对体外培养瘤胃细菌多样性的影响. 中国农业大学学报, 2013, 18(6):148-152.(第一作者)