崔兴雷 更新日期:2024-09-18
崔兴雷 ,男,1989年出生,博士导师
工作单位 林学院
行政职务 碳汇中心主任
电子邮箱 xinglei.cui@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【博士】:0907Z2森林生态学,【学硕】:0907Z2森林生态学,【专硕】:095400林业
教授、博士生导师,国家优青获得者,入选四川省“天府峨眉计划”青年人才,四川省海外高层次留学人才,四川农业大学“拔尖人才”。主要从事火生态学、植物进化方面研究,先后主持国家级、省部级项目多项。在Nature Plants、New Phytologist等国际知名期刊上发表论文10余篇,获批国家发明专利6项。
2022.12-至今 四川农业大学 教授
2020.08-2022.11 四川农业大学 副教授
2017-2020 新西兰林肯大学 生态学博士
2012-2015 中国农业科学院 农学硕士
2008-2012 河北农业大学 农学学士
1 国家自然科学基金优青项目
2 四川农业大学引进人才项目
3 国家自然科学基金青年项目
4 四川省自然科学基金青年项目
5 四川省“天府峨眉”计划青年项目
6 国家森林草原火灾风险普查项目
Wuchao Gao, ..., Xinglei Cui*. “Habitat differentiation and environmental adaptability contribute to leaf size variations globally in C3 and C4 grasses.” Science of the Total Environment (2024) 937: 173309.

Bilei Wang, ..., Xinglei Cui*. “The variation in climate conditions and fire-related traits across Pinus (Pinaceae) species.” Global Ecology and Conservation (2024) 54: e03152.

Minting Jian, ..., Xinglei Cui*. “Current Status and Prospects of Plant Flammability Measurements.” Fire (2024) 7: 266.

Jian Feng, ..., Xinglei Cui*. Prediction of future potential distributions of Pinus yunnanensis varieties under climate change. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change (2023) 6: 1308416

Shuting Li, ..., Xinglei Cui*. Evaluation of litter flammability from dominated artificial forests in Southwestern China. Forests (2023) 14(6): 1229.

Xinglei Cui, Dachuan Dai, Chengming You, et al. “Climatic conditions affected plant shoot flammability via influencing flammability-related functional traits in non-fire-prone habitats.” New Phytologist (2023)240: 105-113.

Xinglei Cui, Adrian M Paterson, George LW Perry, et al. Intraspecific variation in shoot flammability in Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium is not predicted by habitat environmental conditions. Forest Ecosystems (2022) 9: 100017.

Xinglei Cui, Adrian M Paterson, et al.“Shoot flammability of vascular plants is phylogenetically conserved and related to habitat fire-proneness and growth form.”Nature Plants (2020) 6: 355-359.

Xinglei Cui, Adrian M Paterson, et al.“Shoot-level flammability across theDracophyllum(Ericaceae) phylogeny: evidence for flammability being an emergent property in a land with little fire.”New Phytologist (2020) 228: 95-105, (2020).

Xinglei Cui, Md Azharul Alam, George LW Perry, Adrian M Paterson, Sarah V Wyse, Timothy J Curran*. Green firebreaks as a management tool for wildfires: Lessons from China. Journal of environmental management (2019) 233: 329-336.
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