张亚洲 更新日期:2024-07-09
张亚洲 ,男,1990年出生,学硕导师
工作单位 小麦研究所
电子邮箱 yazhou14716@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【学硕】:090102作物遗传育种,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
2010-2014 四川农业大学农学学士
Undergraduate, Sichuan Agricultural University, Agriculture specialty
2013-2016 四川农业大学农学硕士
Master, Sichuan Agricultural University, Biochemistry and molecular biology
2016-2020 四川农业大学农学博士
Ph.D, Sichuan Agricultural University, Plant Genetics and Breeding
2018-2020 加州大学戴维斯分校联合培养博士
Ph.D, UC Davis, Plant Sciences
2020---- 四川农业大学小麦研究所讲师
Lecturer, Sichuan Agricultural University
1. Zhang, Y.Z., Chen, Q., Liu, C.H., Liu, Y.B., Yi, P., Niu, K.X., Wang, Y.Q., Wang, A.Q., Yu, H.Y., Pu, Z.E., Jiang, Q.T., Wei, Y.M., Qi, P.F., Zheng, Y.L. Chitin synthase gene FgCHS8 affects virulence and fungal cell wall sensitivity to environmental stress in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Biol. 2016, 120, 764-774. doi: 10.1016/j.funbio.2016.02.002. IF=2.571, Q1

2. Zhang, Y.Z., Wei, Z.Z., Liu, C.H., Chen, Q., Xu, B.J., Guo, Z.R., Cao, Y.L., Wang, Y., Han, Y.N., Chen, C., Feng, X., Qiao, Y.Y., Zong, L.J., Zheng, T., Deng, M., Jiang, Q.T., Li, W., Zheng, Y.L., Wei, Y.M., Qi, P.F. Linoleic acid isomerase gene FgLAI12 affects sensitivity to salicylic acid, mycelial growth and virulence of Fusarium graminearum. Sci. Rep. 2017, 7, 46129. doi: 10.1038/srep46129. IF=4.29, Q1

3. Qi, P.F., Zhang Y,Z., Liu, C.H., Zhu, J., Chen, Q., Guo, Z.R., Wang, Y., Xu, B.J., Zheng, T., Jiang, Y.F., Wang, J.P., Zhou, C.Y., Feng, X., Kong, L., Lan, X.J., Jiang, Q.T., Wei, Y.M., Zheng, Y.L. Fusarium graminearum ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter Gene FgABCC9 Is Required for Its Transportation of Salicylic Acid, Fungicide Resistance, Mycelial Growth and Pathogenicity towards Wheat. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19, E2351. doi: 10.3390/ijms19082351. IF=4.32, Q1

4. Qi PF, Zhang YZ, Liu CH, Chen Q, Guo ZR, Wang Y, Xu BJ, Jiang YF, Zheng T, Gong X, Luo CH, Wu W, Kong L, Deng M, Ma J, Lan XJ, Jiang QT, Wei YM, Wang JR, Zheng YL. Functional Analysis of FgNahG Clarifies the Contribution of Salicylic Acid to Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Resistance against Fusarium Head Blight. Toxins (Basel). 2019 Jan 22;11(2). pii: E59. doi: 10.3390/toxins11020059. IF=3.62, Q1

5. Jiang YF, Chen Q, Wang Y, Guo ZR, Xu BJ, Zhu J, Zhang YZ, Gong X, Luo CH, Wu W, Liu CH, Kong L, Deng M, Jiang QT, Lan XJ, Wang JR, Chen GY, Zheng YL, Wei YM, Qi PF. Re-acquisition of the brittle rachis trait via a transposon insertion in domestication gene Q during wheat de-domestication. New Phytol. 2019 Jun 6. doi: 10.1111/nph.15977. IF=7.17, Q1

6. Zhang, Y.Z., Wei, Z.Z., Liu, C.H., Chen, Q., Xu, B.J., Guo, Z.R., Cao, Y.L., Wang, Y., Han, Y.N., Chen, C., Feng, X., Qiao, Y.Y., Zong, L.J., Zheng, T., Deng, M., Jiang, Q.T., Li, W., Zheng, Y.L., Wei, Y.M., Qi, P.F. Fusarium graminearum FgCWM1 gene encodes a cell wall mannoprotein conferring fungal cell wall structure, sensitivity to salicylic acid and virulence to wheat. Toxins (Basel). 2019 Oct 29;11(11). pii: E628. doi: 10.3390/toxins11110628. IF=3.62, Q1

7. Zhang, Y.Z., Sch?nhofen, A., Zhang, W,J., Hegarty, J., Carter, C., Vang, T., Laudencia-Chingcuanco, D., Dubcovsky, J. Contributions of individual and combined Glu-B1x and Glu-B1y high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits to semolina functionality and pasta quality. Journal of Cereal Science, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcs.2020.102943 IF=2.87, Q1

8. Zhang, YZ., Li, Z., Man, J. et al. Genetic diversity of field Fusarium asiaticum and Fusarium graminearum isolates increases the risk of fungicide resistance. Phytopathol Res 5, 51 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42483-023-00206-9 IF=3.4,Q2

9. Zhang, YZ, Jie Man, Dan Xu, Lan Wen, Yinghui Li, Mei Deng, Qian-Tao Jiang, Qiang Xu, Guo-Yue Chen, Yu-Ming Wei,
Investigating the mechanisms of isochorismate synthase: An approach to improve salicylic acid synthesis and increase resistance to Fusarium head blight in wheat,
The Crop Journal,2024,ISSN 2214-5141,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2024.05.012. IF=6.0,Q1