1. Tao Liu, Margaret M. Barbour, Dashi Yu, Sen Rao, Xin Song*. Mesophyll conductance exerts a significant limitation on photosynthesis during light induction. New Phytologist, 2022, 233(1): 360-372. (IF=10.15,中科院大类TOP;本论文被Faculty Opinions (原F1000)点评与收录,https://doi.org/10.3410/f.740927852.793592538)
2. Tao Liu, Yonghui Pan, Zhifeng Lu, Tao Ren*, Jianwei Lu. Canopy light and nitrogen distribution are closely related to nitrogen allocation within leaves in Brassica napus L. Field Crops Research, 2020, 258, 107958. (IF=5.22,中科院大类TOP)
3. Tao Liu, Tao Ren, Philip J White, Rihuan Cong, Jianwei Lu*. Storage nitrogen co-ordinates leaf expansion and photosynthetic capacity in winter oilseed rape. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2018, 69: 2995-3007. (IF=5.36,中科院大类TOP)
4. 刘涛,鲁剑巍,任涛*,汪威,王振,王少华.适宜氮水平下冬油菜苗期不同叶位叶片光合氮分配特征.中国农业科学,2016,49:3532-3541.
5. 刘涛,鲁剑巍,任涛*,李小坤,丛日环.不同氮水平下冬油菜光合氮利用效率与光合器官氮分配的关系.植物营养与肥料学报,2016,2:518-524.