陈宗奎 更新日期:2023-03-05
陈宗奎 ,男,1989年出生,学硕导师
工作单位 水稻研究所
电子邮箱 chenzongkui90@foxmail.com
招生专业 【学硕】:090101作物栽培学与耕作学,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业

2021年12月华中农业大学植物科学与技术学院,作物栽培学与耕作学专业博士毕业,目前为Agricultural water management和Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture等期刊的审稿人。以第一作者发表SCI论文15篇(其中1区TOP期刊论文8篇,2区论文2篇),累计影响因子75,单篇最高影响因子10.8。




[1] Chen ZK, Li P, et al. (2021). Dry cultivation and cultivar affect starch synthesis and traits to define rice grain quality in various panicle parts. Carbohydrate Polymers, 269, 118336. (IF=9.4)

[2] Chen ZK, Li P, et al. (2021). Evaluation of resource and energy utilization, environmental and economic benefits of rice water-saving irrigation technologies in a rice-wheat rotation system. Science of the Total Environment, 757, 143748. (IF=8.0)

[3] Chen ZK, Chen HY, et al. (2020). Metabolomic analysis reveals metabolites and pathways involved in grain quality traits of high-quality rice cultivars under a dry cultivation system. Food Chemistry, 326, 126845. (IF=7.5)

[4] Chen ZK, Li P., et al. (2021). Grain starch, fatty acids, and amino acids determine the pasting properties in dry cultivation plus rice cultivars. Food Chemistry, 373, 131472. (IF=7.5)

[5] Chen ZK, Li P., et al. (2021). Dry cultivation with ratoon system impacts rice quality using rice flour physicochemical traits, fatty and amino acids contents. Food Research International, 150, 110764. (IF=6.5)

[6] Chen ZK, Khan A, et al. (2020). Water-nutrient management enhances root morpho-physiological functioning, phosphorus absorption, transportation and utilization. Industrial Crops and Products, 143, 111975. (IF=5.7)

[7] Chen ZK, Jun X, et al. (2018). Pre-sowing fertigation effects on soil moisture absorption and consumption of cotton in arid regions. Agricultural Water Management, 210, 130-139. (IF=4.5)

[8] Chen ZK, Niu YP, et al. (2019). The combination of limited irrigation and high plant density optimizes canopy structure and improves the water use efficiency of cotton. Agricultural Water Management, 218, 139-148. (IF=4.5)

[9] Chen ZK, Tao X, et al. (2018). Biomass accumulation, photosynthetic traits and root development of cotton as affected by irrigation and nitrogen-fertilization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 173. (IF=5.8, 2区)

[10] Chen ZK, Niu YP, et al. (2017). Photosynthesis and biomass allocation of cotton as affected by deep-layer water and fertilizer application depth. Photosynthetica, 55, 638-647. (IF=3.2)

[11] Chen ZK, Yang XL, et al. (2020). Water-saving cultivation plus super rice hybrid genotype improves water productivity and yield. Agronomy Journal. 112, 1-14. (IF=2.3)

[12] Chen ZK, Hui M, et al. (2017). Optimal pre-plant irrigation and fertilization can improve biomass accumulation by maintaining the root and leaf productive capacity of cotton crop. Scientific Reports, 7, 17168. (IF=4.4)

[13] Chen ZK, Gao HY, et al. (2019). Pre-sowing irrigation plus surface fertilization improves morpho-physiological traits and sustaining water-nitrogen productivity of cotton. Agronomy, 9, 772. (IF=3.4)
[1] Chen ZK,Li P, et al. (2020).Evaluation of resource and energy utilization, environmental and economic benefits of rice water-saving irrigation technologies in a rice-wheat rotation system. Science of The Total Environment.(IF=10.754)

[2] Chen ZK, Li P, et al. (2021). Dry cultivation and cultivar affect starch synthesis and traits to define rice grain quality in various panicle parts. Carbohydrate Polymers, 269, 118336. (IF=10.723)

[3] Chen ZK, Chen HY, et al. (2020). Metabolomic analysis reveals metabolites and pathways involved in grain quality traits of high-quality rice cultivars under a dry cultivation system. Food Chemistry, 326, 126845. (IF=7.5)

[4] Chen ZK, Li P., et al. (2021). Grain starch, fatty acids, and amino acids determine the pasting properties in dry cultivation plus rice cultivars. Food Chemistry, 373, 131472. (IF=7.5)

[5] Chen ZK, Li P., et al. (2021). Dry cultivation with ratoon system impacts rice quality using rice flour physicochemical traits, fatty and amino acids contents. Food Research International, 150, 110764. (IF=6.5)

[6] Chen ZK, Khan A, et al. (2020). Water-nutrient management enhances root morpho-physiological functioning, phosphorus absorption, transportation and utilization. Industrial Crops and Products, 143, 111975. (IF=5.7)

[7] Chen ZK, Jun X, et al. (2018). Pre-sowing fertigation effects on soil moisture absorption and consumption of cotton in arid regions. Agricultural Water Management, 210, 130-139. (IF=4.5)

[8] Chen ZK, Niu YP, et al. (2019). The combination of limited irrigation and high plant density optimizes canopy structure and improves the water use efficiency of cotton. Agricultural Water Management, 218, 139-148. (IF=4.5)

[9] Chen ZK, Tao X, et al. (2018). Biomass accumulation, photosynthetic traits and root development of cotton as affected by irrigation and nitrogen-fertilization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 173. (IF=5.8, 2区)

[10] Chen ZK, Niu YP, et al. (2017). Photosynthesis and biomass allocation of cotton as affected by deep-layer water and fertilizer application depth. Photosynthetica, 55, 638-647. (IF=3.2)

[11] Chen ZK, Yang XL, et al. (2020). Water-saving cultivation plus super rice hybrid genotype improves water productivity and yield. Agronomy Journal. 112, 1-14. (IF=2.3)

[12] Chen ZK, Hui M, et al. (2017). Optimal pre-plant irrigation and fertilization can improve biomass accumulation by maintaining the root and leaf productive capacity of cotton crop. Scientific Reports, 7, 17168. (IF=4.4)

[13] Chen ZK, Gao HY, et al. (2019). Pre-sowing irrigation plus surface fertilization improves morpho-physiological traits and sustaining water-nitrogen productivity of cotton. Agronomy, 9, 772. (IF=3.4)