任志彤 更新日期:2024-03-20
任志彤 ,男,1989年出生,学硕导师
工作单位 农学院
单位电话 15101022391
电子邮箱 renzhitong124@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【学硕】:090102作物遗传育种,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
四川农业大学特聘副教授,2008年-2018年在中国农业大学本硕博连读,期间师从杰青刘庆昌教授从事甘薯抗逆和品质相关的研究课题,2018年-2022年在北京大学做博士后,期间跟随青年千人计划钱伟强研究员进行拟南芥高温以及表观遗传调控rDNA表达的研究。2023年3月加入农学院,将从马铃薯的类胡萝卜素品种育种等方面展开今后的工作。目前已经在《Nature Plants》、《Plant Biotechnology Journal》、《Crop Journal》、《The Plant Cell》等杂志上发表多篇SCI文章,主研一项国家自然科学基金面上项目。
2018.12-2022.11 北京大学生命科学学院/现代农学院 博士后
2023.03–今 四川农业大学农学院 副教授
2008.09-2012.06 中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院 植物生产类专业 农学学士
2012.09-2018.06 中国农业大学农学院 作物遗传育种专业 农学博士
2018 年获得“中国农业大学优秀研究生毕业生”
2018 年获得“中国农业大学农学院优秀毕业论文”
1.马铃薯中淀粉、高蛋白、类胡萝卜素、维生素、花青苷等营养物质合成代谢的分子机理探究;2.环境因子对马铃薯中各种营养物质合成和代谢的影响; 3.不同营养元素对马铃薯各种营养物质合成和代谢的影响。
2.四川省科学技术厅, 四川省自然科学基金青年项目, 24NSFSC4689, 拟南芥 MBD-ACD 蛋白复合体调控rDNA 表达的机理探究,2024-01至2025-12, 10万元, 在研, 主持;
3.攀西特色作物研究与利用四川省重点实验室, 开放基金, SZKF202306, StLCYb基因调控马铃薯类胡萝卜素合成的分子机理探究 ,2023-11至2025-10, 10万元, 在研, 主持;
1. Ren, Z.T., Gou, R.Y., Zhuo, W.Q., Chen, Z.Y., Yin, X.C., Cao, Y.X, Wnag, Y., Mi, Y.J., Liu, Y.N.,Wang. Y.X.,Fan, L.M.,Deng, X.W., Qian, W.Q* (2023). The MBD–ACD DNA methylation reader complex recruits MICRORCHIDIA6 to regulate ribosomal RNA gene expression in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell,2023 koad313, (IF: 12.085, TOP1区)
2.Ren, Z.T., He, S.Z, Zhou, Y.Y., Zhao, N., Jiang, T., Zhai, H.,* Liu, Q.C.* A sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase-1 gene,IbSnRK1, confers salt, drought and cold tolerance in sweet potato,Crop Journal,2020,8(6):905-917 (IF:6.6,封面文章, TOP1区);
3.Ren, Z.T., He, S.Z, Zhao, N.,Zhai, H.,* Liu, Q.C.* A sucrose non-fermenting-1-related protein kinase-1 gene,IbSnRK1, improves starch content, composition, granule size, degree of crystallinity and gelatinization in transgenic sweet potato,Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 17(1): 21-32 (IF:13.8, TOP1区);
4.Ren, Z.T., Zhao, H.Y., He, S.Z, Zhai, H., Zhao, N., Liu, Q.C.* Overexpression ofIbSnRK1enhances nitrogen uptake and carbon assimilation in transgenic sweetpotao.Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(2): 296-305 (IF: 4.8,TOP 1区);
5.Tong,J.J.,#Ren, Z.T.,#Sun, L.H#., Zhou, S.X., Yuan, W., Hui, Y.F., Ci, D., Wang, W., Fan, L.M., Wu, Z., Qian, W.Q.* ALBA proteins confer thermotolerance through stabilizing HSF mRNA in cytoplasmic granules,Nature Plants, 2022, 8(7): 778-791 (共同第一作者,IF=17.352,TOP1区);
6. Li, J.C.,#Wang, C,#Liang, W.J., Zhang, J, Jiang, C.K., Liu, Y.,Ren, Z.T., Ci, D., Chang, J.J., Wang, Y.X., Han, S.L., Deng, X.W.,*, Qian, W.Q.* Functional importance and divergence of plant apurinic/apyrimidinic endonucleases in somatic and meiotic DNA repair,The Plant Cell, 2023,35(6):2316-2331, (IF: 12.085, TOP1区);
7. Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Qu, S.F., Liang, W.J., Sun, L.H., Ci, D.Ren, Z.T., Fan, L.M., Qian, W.Q.* Nitrogen starvation induces genome‐wide activation of transposable elements inArabidopsis.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. 2022, 64(12):2374-2384 (IF: 9.106, TOP1区);
8.Li,J.C.,#Liang, W.J.,#Liu, Y.,Ren, Z.T., Ci, D., Chang, J.J., Qian, W.Q.* The ArabidopsisA TR-SOG1 signaling module regulates pleiotropic developmental adjustments in response to 3-blocked DAN repair intermediates,The Plant Cell, 2022, 34(2):852-866 (IF: 12.085, TOP1区);
9. Zhang, H., Zhang, Q., Zhai, H., Gao, S.P., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Xu, Y.T., Huo, J.X.,Ren, Z.T., Zhao, N., Wang, X.F., Li, J.G., Liu, Q.C.*, He, S.Z.* IbBBX24 Promotes the jasmonic acid pathway and enhances fusarium wilt resistance in sweet potato,The Plant Cell, 2020, 32:1102-1123 (IF: 11.277,TOP1区);
10. Wang, B., Zhai, H., He, S.Z., Zhang, H.,Ren, Z.T., Zhang, D.D., Liu, Q.C.*. A vacuolar Na+/H+antiporter gene,IbNHX2, enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic sweetpotato.Scientia Horticulturae,2016, 201, 153-166 (IF:1.624, 1区);
11.Liu, D.G., He, S.Z., Song, X.J., Zhai, H., Liu, N., Zhang, D.D.,Ren, Z.T., Liu, Q.C.*IbSIMT1, a novel salt-induced methyltransferase gene fromIpomoea batatas, is involved in salt tolerance.Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2015, 120, 701-715 (IF: 3.395, 2区).