赵辉 更新日期:2024-07-10
赵辉 ,男,1991年出生,学硕导师
工作单位 农学院
电子邮箱 zhaohui_hbu@126.com
招生专业 【学硕】:090102作物遗传育种,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
博士毕业于中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,在Genome Biology、The Plant Cell、Plant Biotechnology Journal、New Phytologist等期刊发表SCI论文10余篇,累计影响因子超过100。获权国家发明专利4项。主要从事作物种质资源学及基因组学等学科的基础研究。主要研究方向包括:(1)荞麦品质性状形成及调控的分子机制研究;(2)青稞高原适应性的遗传基础研究。

1.Liu Y, Chen P, Li W, Liu X, Yu G, Zhao H, Zeng S, Li M, Sun G, Feng Z:Conjunctive analyses of BSA-seq and BSR-seq to identify candidate genes controlling the black lemma and pericarp trait in barley. Int J Mol Sci2023,5.

2. He Y#, Zhang K#, Li S#, Lu X#,Zhao H#, Guan C#, Huang X#, Shi Y, Kang Z, Fan Y, et al.:Multi-omics analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying virulence in Rhizoctonia and jasmonic acid-mediated resistance in Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum).Plant Cell2023.

3.Zhao H#, He Y#, Zhang K#, Li S#, Chen Y#, He M, He F, Gao B, Yang D, Fan Y, et al.:Rewiring of the seed metabolome during Tartary buckwheat domestication.Plant Biotechnol J2023,21:150-164.

4.Zhao H#, Li Z#, Wang Y#, Wang J, Xiao M, Liu H, Quan R, Zhang H, Huang R, Zhu L, et al.:Cellulose synthase-like protein OsCSLD4 plays an important role in the response of rice to salt stress by mediating abscisic acid biosynthesis to regulate osmotic stress tolerance.Plant Biotechnol J2022,20:468-484.

5. Chen C, Liu F, Zhang K, Niu X,Zhao H, Liu Q, Georgiev MI, Xu X, Zhang X, Zhou M:MeJA-responsive bHLH transcription factor LjbHLH7 regulates cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis in Lotus japonicus.J Exp Bot2022,73:2650-2665.

6. He M, He Y, Zhang K, Lu X, Zhang X, Gao B, Fan Y,Zhao H, Jha R, Huda MN, et al.:Comparison of buckwheat genomes reveals the genetic basis of metabolomic divergence and ecotype differentiation.New Phytol2022,235:1927-1943.

7. Zhang K#, He M#, Fan Y#,Zhao H#, Gao B#, Yang K, Li F, Tang Y, Gao Q, Lin T, et al.:Resequencing of global Tartary buckwheat accessions reveals multiple domestication events and key loci associated with agronomic traits.Genome Biol2021,22:23.

8. Ding M, Zhang K, He Y, Zuo Q,Zhao H, He M, Georgiev MI, Park SU, Zhou M:FtBPM3 modulates the orchestration of FtMYB11-mediated flavonoids biosynthesis in Tartary buckwheat.Plant Biotechnol J2021,19:1285-1287.

9. Wang Y#,Zhao H#, Qin H, Li Z, Liu H, Wang J, Zhang H, Quan R, Huang R, Zhang Z:The Synthesis of Ascorbic Acid in Rice Roots Plays an Important Role in the Salt Tolerance of Rice by Scavenging ROS.Int J Mol Sci2018,19.