1. Provenance of sediments derived from karst and non-karst areas and deposited behind sequential check dams in a small watershed. Geoderma, 2023, 430, 116351. 第一作者;
2. Fragmentation of soil-root complexes in sloping landscapes during tillage and soil translocation. Biosystems Engineering, 2022, 223, 116-128. 通讯作者;
3. Soil erosion rates on sloping cropland fragment underlain by contrasting lithologies. Catena, 2022, 220, 106622. 第一作者;
4. Sources of fine-sediment reservoir deposits from contrasting lithological zones in a medium-sized catchment over the past 60 years. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 603, 127159. 第一作者;
5. Nutrient deposition over the past 60 years in a reservoir within a medium-sized agricultural catchment. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 764, 142896. 第一作者;
6. Using depression deposits to reconstruct human impact on sediment yields from a small karst catchment over the past 600 years. Geoderma, 2020, 363, 114168. 第一作者;
7. Dating reservoir deposits to assess the recently changing sediment yields from a medium-sized agricultural catchment. Land Degradation and Development, 2019.30(16): 1939-1953.第一作者;
8. Effect of dam construction on nutrient deposition from a small agricultural karst catchment. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 107, 105548. 第一作者;
9. Dating reservoir deposits to reconstruct sediment yields from a small limestone catchment in the Yimeng Mountain region, China. Catena, 2018, 166, 1-9.第一作者;
10. Use of reservoir deposits to reconstruct the recent changes in sediment yields from a small granite catchment in the Yimeng Mountain region, China. Geomorphology, 2017, 293, 167-177. 第一作者;
11. Spatial patterns of 137Cs inventories and soil erosion from earth-banked terraces in the Yimeng Mountains, China. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2014, 136, 1-9.第一作者;
12. A 210Pbex mass balance model in cultivated soils in consideration of the radionuclide diffusion. Nuclear Science and Techniques, 2014, 25(4), 040303. 第一作者;
13. A comparison of measured 137Cs and excess 210Pb levels in the cultivated brown and cinnamon soils of the Yimeng Mountain area. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2014, 33, 155-162. 第一作者;
14. 三峡库区喀斯特洼地小流域产...以巫山县常家洼洼地流域为例. 中国水土保持科学, 2021, 19(2), 92-97. 通讯作者;
15. 近100年喀斯特槽谷区洼地沉积速率与流域产沙强度. 水土保持学报, 2020, 34(2), 23-29. 通讯作者;
16. 近50年沂蒙山区两个不同岩性小流域塘库的拦沙效应. 水土保持学报, 2018,32(4),51-57. 通讯作者;
17. 农耕地土壤137Cs与210Pbex深度分布过程对比研究. 核农学报, 2012, 26(4), 692-698. 第一作者;
18. 无侵蚀土壤垦殖后的210Pbex深度分布变化理论模型. 核技术, 2007, 30(9), 797-800. 第一作者;
19. 山区可更新资源与经济发展的空间耦合分析—以浙江省安吉县为例. 自然资源学报, 2006, 21(2), 291-300. 第一作者.