1.Junfeng Tang, Zhuxiang Ma. Numerical study on hydrological mechanisms and slope instability for multi-layered slope. Water, 2024. (第一作者)
2.Zhuo Chen, Junfeng Tang*. Modeling landslide susceptibility using alternating decision tree and support vector. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.2024. (通讯作者)
3.Xie, J., Chen, J., Tang, J.F. & Fang, K.*. Failure behaviors of rainfall-induced shallow landslides: insights from a novel large angle-adjustable plane shear apparatus. Landslides.2024.
4.Haidong Jia, Junkai Xu, Junfeng Tang*. Centrifuge tests on the deformation law of pipelines crossing slopes with different water contents. Scientific Reports, 2024. (通讯作者)
5.Fukuhara, M.; Uchimura, T.; Tang, J.F*. Study on the Prediction of Slope Failure and Early Warning Thresholds Based on Model Tests. Geotechnics, 2024. (通讯作者)
6.Tang, J.F.; Xu J, Zhou D, Huang D, Zeng K, Li Y, Chen Z. Ground Surface Deformation Caused by Pipe Jacking Construction in a Soft Soil Area: An Experiment-Based Study. Buildings, 2023.(第一作者)
7.Tang, J.F.; Uchimura, T.; Dong, H., Jiren X.; Shangning T. Physical model experiments on water infiltration and failure modes in multi-layered slopes under heavy rainfall. Appl. Sci. (第一作者)
8.Tang, J.F.; Taro, U.; Shangning, T.; Dong, H.; Jiren, X. Water movement and deformation in unsaturated multilayered slope under heavy rainfall. Int. J. Geomate. (第一作者)
9.Junfeng Tang, Taro Uchimura, Shangning Tao et al. Water movement in unsaturated multi-layered slope under heavy rainfall conditions in wetting and dry process [J]. Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication, 2020. (第一作者)
10.Shangning, T.; Uchimura, T.; Fukuhara, M.; Tang, J.F*. Estimation of the instability of slope surface layer by elastic wave attenuation changing with soil moisture and deformation. Int. J. Geomate. (通讯作者)
11.The GEOMATE International Conference, Tokyo, 2019. “Water movement and deformation in unsaturated multilayered slope under heavy rainfall”, Tang, J.F., Taro Uchimura, Tao Shangning and Atsuki Tanaka;
12.8th Japan-China Geotechnical Symposium, Kyoto, 2020. “Water movement in unsaturated multi-layered slope under heavy rainfall conditions in wetting and dry process”, Tang, J.F., Uchimura T, Shangning T and Tatsuki Toda;
13.The 55th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Kyoto 2020. “Experimental investigation on effects of capillary barrier on slope stability under rainfall”, Tang, J.F., Uchimura T, Shangning T and Fukuhara, M
14.第三届全国非饱和土与特殊土力学及工程学术研讨会,石家庄,2022. 毛细屏障效应下非饱和多层土体渗流规律及破坏模式。主题报告。
15.中国水土保持协会滑坡泥石流防治专业委员会学术年会,成都,2024. 毛细屏障效应下非饱和多层土体渗流规律及破坏模式试验研究。主题报告。
16.第十二届全国工程地质大会,深圳,2024. 降雨诱发非饱和多层边坡破坏模式和水文响应过程研究。主题报告。
1. 降雨工况下多层土体剪切装置,2022-06-20,中国,ZL202210696600.0。
2. 同时测定土水特征曲线和非饱和渗透系数的测量方法和系统,2022-07-25,中国,ZL202210877527.7。
3.一种考虑基质吸力的多功能边坡预警设备,2023-07-17,中国,ZL 202310874332.1。
4.一种基于智慧农业的地质灾害体预警设备,2023-08-08,中国,ZL 202310989256.9。