罗培高 更新日期:2024-07-04
工作单位 农学院
电子邮箱 lpglab@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【博士】:090102作物遗传育种,【学硕】:090102作物遗传育种,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
罗培高,教授 博士生导师
主要从事小麦抗病基因挖掘与抗病高产小麦品种的选育及基础理论研究,在小麦抗白粉病、条锈病、赤霉病机理解析、抗病育种以及抗病高产小麦的创制与推广等领域取得了系统性成果,主要包括:(1)鉴定4个小麦条锈病抗性基因Yr41、YrCN17、YrR212和YrYU25;(2)鉴定2个小麦白粉病抗性基因Pm40和PmYU25;(3)利用染色体工程技术创制了4个小麦赤霉病抗性新种质L658、L693、L696和L699;(4)阐明了小麦衰老叶片与产量改良的细胞学机制,提出了叶绿体超微结构再生假说;(5)参与培育了“川农号”系列小麦新品种10余种,如川农11、12、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、25、26、27和32等,其中多个品种被四川省政府推荐为重点推广品种。自2015年以来致力于三叶木通产业的发展,探索了一条适宜于西南地区中高山产业扶贫与科技扶贫的新路,同时,对三叶木通在食药油赏方面的优良农艺性状进行挖掘和驯化育种研究,取得了国际领先成果:(1)完成了三叶木通全基因组测序及组装;(2)选育优异品系“蜀森11”、“蜀森13”和“蜀森14”等。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、教育部霍英东青年教师基金1项,教育部、科技部和四川省杰出青年基金等课题10余项。以第一或通讯作者在《The Plant Journal》、《Plant, Cell & Environment》、《Theoretical and Applied Genetics》等国内外学术刊物上发表学术论文90余篇,其中SCI或SSCI收录论文52篇。已指导毕业博士生8名、硕士研究生34名。
2009/03-2012/12,中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院博士后
2013/12-2014/12,堪萨斯州立大学(美国) 植物病理系访问学者
2011/01- 至今, 四川农业大学,农学院,教授/博(硕)士研究生导师
1996.09-2000.07 四川农业大学林学院学士
2000.09-2003.07 四川农业大学农学院硕士研究生
2009.03-2012.12 中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院博士后
Identification, Chromosome Location, and Diagnostic Markers for a New Gene (YrCN19) for Resistance to Wheat Stripe Rust. Phytopathology, 2005, 95:1266-1270.
Several wheat lines and cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum) originating from the southwestern region of China were found to be highlresistant to stripe rust by inoculation with the prevalent races (CYR30CYR31, and CYR32) and newly emerged races (H46-4.SY11-4 andSY11-14) of the pathogen. An inheritance study of the resistance to striperust was carried out by crossing resistant AIM6 with susceptible Beiz76. Results indicated that the resistance to stripe rust was controlled by a single dominant gene. The 112F, plants chosen from the cross BeizZ76AIM6 were analyzed with 218 pairs of microsatellite primers to determine the map location of the resistance gene. A simple sequence repeamarker on chromosome arm 2BS, Xgwm40, showed polymorphism ancco-segregation between stripe rust resistant and susceptible plants. Fromthe pedigree, inheritance, molecular marker, and resistance response, it isconcluded that the stripe rust resistance gene in wheat cv. Chuan-nong19(CN19) and wheat lines AIM5 and AI6 is a novel gene, designatedYrCN19. The microsatellite primer Xgwm410 is a diagnostic marker ofthe resistance gene YrCN19, which has potential for application in themarker-assisted breeding of wheat.

The chromosome-level genome of Akebia trifoliata as an important resource to study plant evolution and environmental adaptation in the Cretaceous. The Plant Journal. 2022, 112(5):1316-1330.
The environmental adaptation of eudicots is the most reasonable explain why they compose of the largest clade of modern plants (more than 70% of angiosperms), which indicates that the early diverging eudicots (also called basal eudicots) would be valuable and helpful to study surviving and thriving of them in evolutionary process. Here we judged two detectable whole genome duplicate (WGD) events in the high-quality assembled Akebia trifoliata genome (652.73 Mb) with 24,138 protein-coding genes based on the evidences of intragenomic and intergenomic collinearity, synonymous substitution rate (KS) values and chromosomal fusion traces, putatively occurred at 85.15 and 146.43 million years ago (Mya), respectively. The integrated analysis of 16 specie consisting of eight basal and eight core eudicots further revealed that there possible was a putative ancient WGD at early stage of eudicots (temporarily designated as θ) at 142.72 Mya, similar to the older WGD of A. trifoliata, and a putative core eudicots-specific WGD (temporarily designated ω). Functional enrichment analysis of the duplicated genes afforded an explanation for θ event facilitated survival from extinction event with an extreme change in both the carbon dioxide concentration and desiccation around the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary, while those ω favored rapid spread in the mid-Cretaceous when the environment with more drought occurred. Collectively, A. trifoliata genome experienced two WGD events and the older perhaps occur at early stage of eudicots, which could increase plant environmental adaptability and help them survive in ancient extreme environments.

Genome-Wide Identification of Superoxide Dismutase and Expression in Response to Fruit Development and Biological Stress in Akebia trifoliata: A Bioinformatics Study. Antioxidants 2023,12, 726.
Akebia trifoliata is a newly domesticated perennial fruit tree, and the lack of molecular research on stress resistance seriously affects its genetic improvement and commercial value development. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) can effectively eliminate the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the rapid growth of plant organs under biotic and abiotic stresses, maintaining a steady state of physiological metabolism. In this study, 13 SODs consisting of two FeSODs (FSDs), four MnSODs (MSDs) and seven Cu/ZnSODs (CSDs) were identified in the A. trifoliata genome. Structurally, the phylogeny, intron–exon pattern and motif sequences within these three subfamilies show high conservation. Evolutionarily, segmental/wide genome duplication (WGD) and dispersed duplication form the current SOD profile of A. trifoliata. Weighted gene coexpression network analysis (WGCNA) revealed the metabolic pathways of nine (69.2%) SODs involved in fruit development, among which AktMSD4 regulates fruit development and AktCSD4 participates in the stress response. In addition, under the stress of multiple pathogens, six (46.6%) SODs were continuously upregulated in the rinds of resistant lines; of these, three SODs (AktMSD1, AktMSD2 and AktMSD3) were weakly or not expressed in susceptible lines. The results pave the way for theoretical research on SODs and afford the opportunity for genetic improvement of A. trifoliata.

1.Chen, W., Yang, H., Yang, H. et al. (2023) Genome-wide SSR marker analysis to understand the genetic diversity and population sub-structure in Akebia trifoliata. Genet Resour Crop Evol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-023-01602-y.
2.Zhang, Q.; Zhong, S.; Dong, Q.; Yang, H.; Yang, H.; Tan, F.; Chen, C.; Ren, T.; Shen, J.; Cao, G.; Luo, P. (2023) Identification of Photoperiod- and Phytohormone-Responsive DNA-Binding One Zinc Finger (Dof) Transcription Factors in Akebia trifoliata via Genome-Wide Expression Analysis. Int J Mol Sci. 24, 4973. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms24054973
3.Yang, H.; Zhang, Q.; Zhong, S.; Yang, H.; Ren, T.; Chen, C.; Tan, F.; Cao, G.; Liu, J.; Luo, P. (2023) Genome-Wide Identification of Superoxide Dismutase and Expression in Response to Fruit Development and Biological Stress in Akebia trifoliata: A Bioinformatics Study. Antioxidants 12, 726. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox12030726
4.Zhong S, Guan J, Chen C, Tan F, Luo P. (2022) Multiomics analysis elucidated molecular mechanism of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in Akebia trifoliata fruit. Front Plant Sci. Nov 8;13:1039550. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1039550.
5.Zhong S, Li B, Chen W, Wang L, Guan J, Wang Q, Yang Z, Yang H, Wang X, Yu X, Fu P, Liu H, Chen C, Tan F, Ren T, Shen J, Luo P. (2022) The chromosome-level genome of Akebia trifoliata as an important resource to study plant evolution and environmental adaptation in the Cretaceous. Plant J. Dec;112(5):1316-1330. doi: 10.1111/tpj.16011.
6.Zhong, S.; Yang, H.; Guan, J.; Shen, J.; Ren, T.; Li, Z.; Tan, F.; Li, Q.; Luo, P. (2022) Characterization of the MADS-Box Gene Family in Akebia trifoliata and Their Evolutionary Events in Angiosperms. Genes 13, 1777. https://doi.org/10.3390/genes13101777
7.Zhu J, Zhong S, Guan J, Chen W, Yang H, Yang H, Chen C, Tan F, Ren T, Li Z, Li Q, Luo P. (2022) Genome-Wide Identification and Expression Analysis of WRKY Transcription Factors in Akebia trifoliata: A Bioinformatics Study. Genes (Basel). Aug 26;13(9):1540. doi: 10.3390/genes13091540.
8.Chen W, Yang H, Zhong S, Zhu J, Zhang Q, Li Z, Ren T, Tan F, Shen J, Li Q, Luo P. (2022) Expression Profiles of Microsatellites in Fruit Tissues of Akebia trifoliata and Development of Efficient EST-SSR Markers. Genes (Basel). Aug 15;13(8):1451. doi: 10.3390/genes13081451.
9.Zhong S, Chen W, Yang H, Shen J, Ren T, Li Z, Tan F, Luo P. (2022) Characterization of Microsatellites in the Akebia trifoliata Genome and Their Transferability and Development of a Whole Set of Effective, Polymorphic, and Physically Mapped Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. Front Plant Sci. Mar 18;13:860101. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.860101.
10.Guan, J.; Fu, P.; Wang, X.; Yu, X.; Zhong, S.; Chen, W.; Yang, H.; Chen, C.; Yang, H.; Luo, P. (2022) Assessment of the Breeding Potential of a Set of Genotypes Selected from a Natural Population of Akebia trifoliata (Three–Leaf Akebia). Horticulturae, 8, 116. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8020116
11.Huang, Q.; Luo, P. (2021) Effects of Leaf Cutting on Fusarium Head Blight Disease Development, Photosynthesis Parameters and Yield of Wheat under F. graminearum Inoculation Condition. Agriculture, 11, 1065. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11111065
12.Yang, H.; Zhong, S.; Chen, C.; Yang, H.; Chen, W.; Tan, F.; Luo, PG. (2021). Identification and Cloning of a CC-NBS-NBS-LRR Gene as a Candidate of Pm40 by Integrated Analysis of Both the Available Transcriptional Data and Published Linkage Mapping. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22, 10239
13.Yang, H.; and Luo, PG. (2021). Changes in Photosynthesis Could Provide Important Insight into the Interaction between Wheat and Fungal Pathogens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22, 8865.
14.Yu, X.; Zhong, S.; Yang, H.; Chen, C.; Chen, W.; Luo, PG. (2021). Identification and Characterization of Nucleotide Binding Sites Resistance Genes in Akebia trifoliata. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12,758559.
15.Hu,Y.; Hu, Zhong, SF.; Zhang, M; Liang, YP.; Gong, GS.; Chang, XL.; Tan, FQ.; Yang, H.; Luo, PG. (2020). Potential Role of Photosynthesis in the Regulation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Defence Responses to Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici in Wheat. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(16).
16.Huang, Q.; Luo, PG. (2021). Effects of Leaf Cutting on Fusarium Head Blight Disease Development, Photosynthesis Parameters and Yield of Wheat under F. graminearum Inoculation Condition. Agriculture 2021, 11(11), 1065.
17.Yang, H.; Chen, W.; Fu, P.; Zhong, S.; Guan, J.; and Luo, PG. (2020). Developmental Stages of Akebia trifoliata Fruit Based on Volume. Horticulture Science and Technology.
18.Hu, Y., Liang, Y., Zhang, M., Tan, F., Zhong, S., Li, X., Gong G., Li, T., Luo, P. (2018). Comparative transcriptome profiling of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici during compatible and incompatible interactions with sister wheat lines carrying and lacking Pm40. PloS one, 13(7), e0198891.
1.陈巍,钟胜福,陈华保,罗培高.(2017). 三叶木通资源开发利用与精准扶贫战略研究——以石棉县为例. 中国野生植物资源, 36(5), 71-74.
2.Li, X., Xiang, Z. P., Chen, W. Q., Huang, Q. L., Liu, T. G., Li, Q., Luo, P. G. (2017). Reevaluation of two quantitative trait loci for type ii resistance to fusarium head blight in wheat germplasm pi 672538. Phytopathology, 107(1), 92-99.
3.Li, Q., Zhong, S., Sun, S., Fatima, S. A., Zhang, M., Chen, W., Luo, P. (2017). Differential effect of whole-ear shading after heading on the physiology, biochemistry and yield index of stay-green and non-stay-green wheat genotypes. PloS one, 12(2), e0171589.
4.Yang, S., Li, X., Chen, W., Liu, T., Zhong, S., Ma, L., Luo, P. (2016). Wheat resistance to fusarium head blight is associated with changes in photosynthetic parameters. Plant Disease, 100(4), 847-852.
5.Li, X., Liu, T., Chen, W., Zhong, S., Zhang, H., Tang, Z., Rao, H. (2015). Wheat WCBP1 encodes a putative copper-binding protein involved in stripe rust resistance and inhibition of leaf senescence. BMC plant biology, 15(1), 239.
6.Shen, X. K., Ma, L. X., Zhong, S. F., Liu, N., Zhang, M., Chen, W. Q., Bai, G. H. (2015). Identification and genetic mapping of the putative Thinopyrum intermedium-derived dominant powdery mildew resistance gene PmL962 on wheat chromosome arm 2BS. Theoretical and applied genetics, 128(3), 517-528.
7.Huang, Q., Li, X., Chen, W. Q., Xiang, Z. P., Zhong, S. F., Chang, Z. J., Luo, P. G. (2014). Genetic mapping of a putative Thinopyrum intermedium-derived stripe rust resistance gene on wheat chromosome 1B. Theoretical and applied genetics, 127(4), 843-853.
8.Luo, P. G., Deng, K. J., Hu, X. Y., Li, L. Q., Li, X., Chen, J. B., Tan, F. Q. (2013). Chloroplast ultrastructure regeneration with protection of photosystem II is responsible for the functional ‘stay‐green’trait in wheat. Plant, cell & environment, 36(3), 683-696.
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