秦耀国 更新日期:2024-07-04
工作单位 园艺学院
电子邮箱 52569832@qq.com
招生专业 【学硕】:090202蔬菜学,【专硕】:095131农艺与种业
1997-2004年读本科与硕士研究生,2010年6月博士研究生毕业。2004年7月参加工作。 研究方向:蔬菜(瓜类)栽培生理与遗传育种。
1. 川西北丘陵地区魔芋高产高效栽培示范研究,四川省科技厅技术创新工程项目,主持。
2. 抗病转录因子基因Pti4转化辣椒的研究,四川省教育厅项目,主持。
1)Feng X Y, Chen S Y, Yang S M, An X Q, Liu Y Y, Lu H L, Yang C Q, Qin Y G*. Effects of exogenous abscisic acid on salt tolerance of watermelon seedlings under NaCl stress. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2022, 20(5): 4515-4524.
2)Li H, Qin Y G, Wu X B, O Hair J, Potts J, Zhou S P, Yang Y, Fish T, Thannhauser TW. Identification of heat-induced proteomes in meiotic pollen mother cells of tomato Maxifort using single-cell-type tandem mass tag (TMT) proteomics[J]. Vegetable Research, 2022, 2: 2.
3)Potts J, Li H, Qin YG, Wu XB, Hui DF, Al Nasr K, Zhou SP, Yang Y, Fish T, Liu JP, Thannhauser TW. Using single cell type proteomics to identify Al-induced proteomes in outer layer cells and interior tissues in the apical meristem/cell division regions of tomato root-tips[J]. Journal of Proteomics, 2022, 255: 104486.
4)Yaoguo Qin, Zesheng Yan, Honghui Gu, Zhengxiang Wang, Xiong Jiang, Zhizhou Chen, Fuqing Yang, Cuiqin Yang. Effects of different shading rates on the photosynthesis and corm weight of konjac plant. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 2019, 47(3): 716-721.
5)Xiong Jiang, Zhengxiang Wang, Fuqing Yang, Zhizhou Chen, Sumian Yang, Zesheng Yan and Yaoguo Qin*. Effects of different pesticide treatments on soft rot control and yield of konjac. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci., 2021, 687(1): 012049.
6)Yaoguo Qin, Cuiqin Yang, Jialong Xia, Jing He, Xiaoli Ma, Chuanyang Yang, Yangxia Zheng, Xia Lin, Zhongqun He, Zhi Huang, Zesheng Yan. Effects of dual/threefold rootstock grafting on the plant growth, yield and quality of watermelon. Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 2014, 42(2): 495-500.
7)Yaoguo Qin, Jianjun Lei, Bihao Cao, Guoju Chen, Yongli Zhai, Cuiqin Yang. Establishment of a highly efficient in vitro regeneration system for Chinese kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra). African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2012, 7(30): 4218-4222.
8)Yaoguo Qin, Fuchun Zeng, Xin Sun, Yingli Feng, Cuiqin Yang. Propagation of Cleome spinosa jacq. through tissue culture. Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, 2012, 1(5): 1319-1327.
9)C. Q. Yang, Y. G. Qin, J. J. Lei, Y. L. Zhai , B. H. Cao, and G. J. Chen. A review on creating male sterility in vegetable crops by genetic engineering. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 2011, 1(8): 1097-1102.
10)Yaoguo Qin, Jianjun Lei, Bihao Cao, Guoju Chen, Yongli Zhai and Cuiqin Yang. Cloning and sequence analysis of the defective in anther dehiscence1 (DAD1) gene fragment of Chinese kale. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011, 10(56): 11829-11831.
11)Yaoguo Qin, Jianjun Lei, Cuiqin Yang, Yongli Zhai, Bihao Cao and Guoju Chen. Construction of Plant Antisense Expression Vector with Defective in Anther Dehiscence1 Gene Fragment of Chinese Kale. Journal of Life Sciences, 2011, 5(6): 416-420.