仲涛 更新日期:2023-06-19
工作单位 动物科技学院
单位电话 13688068309
电子邮箱 zhongtao@sicau.edu.cn
招生专业 【学硕】:090501动物遗传育种与繁殖,【专硕】:095133畜牧
仲涛,男,河北保定人,副教授,四川省学术和技术带头人后备人选。 2011年8月博士毕业于韩国庆尚大学应用生命科学专业。2012年2月起在四川农业大学动物科技学院从事教学科研工作。目前担任畜禽遗传标记学分会理事,四川省畜牧兽医学会养羊学分会理事。近五年主持《国家自然科学基金项目》《留学回国人员启动项目》《四川省科技厅国际合作项目》等5项国家及省部级科研项目,第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文38篇。荣获四川省科技进步二等奖1项,河北省科技进步三等奖1项,授权国家发明专利4项,实用新型专利6项,参编专著3部。
1. 绵山羊优良性状相关基因网络调控机制及功能分析:利用基因组学、转录组学、高通量测序技术,挖掘和鉴定我国绵山羊地方品种优异经济性状的新关键功能基因,揭示其分子调控机理。
2. 山羊瘤胃生长发育和羔羊断奶应激的调控机理研究。
3. 肉羊新品种培育和品种资源挖掘与创新利用。
主持项目5项: 国家自然基金项目(2016-2018);科技部家养动物种质资源平台(2013-2016);教育部留学回国人员启动基金(2013-2015);教育部博士点基金(2013-2015);四川省教育厅重点项目(2013-2015);四川省国际合作项目(2023-2024);雅安市高层次人才项目(2022-2025)。参与国家重点研发项目2项。
1. Zhong T, Wang XL, Huang CH, Yang L, Zhao QJ, Chen XY, Melo AFD, Zhan SY, Wang LJ, Dai DH et al: A genome-wide perspective on the diversity and selection signatures in indigenous goats using 53 K single nucleotide polymorphism array. Animal 2023, 17(3). DOI:10.1016/j.animal.2023.100706
2. Wu S, Xie JJ, Zhong T, Shen LY, Zhao Y, Chen L, Gan ML, Zhang SH, Zhu L, Niu LL: Genetic polymorphisms in ESR and FSH beta genes and their association with litter traits in Large White pigs. Anim Biotechnol 2023. DOI:10.1080/10495398.2023.2187405
3. Guo ZW, Liu Y, Zhan SY, Cao JX, Wang LJ, Guo JZ, Li L, Zhang HP, Zhong T: Expression patterns and DNA methylation profile of GTL2 gene in goats. Anim Biotechnol 2023. DOI:10.1080/10495398.2023.2184698
4. Zhong T, Zhao J, Zhan S, Wang L, Cao J, Dai D, Guo J, Li L, Zhang H, Niu L: LncRNA-mRNA modules involved in goat rumen development: Insights from genome-wide transcriptome profiling. Front Physiol 2022, 13:979121.
5. Zhong T, Wang C, Wang X, Freitas-de-Melo A, Zeng B, Zhao Q, Zhan S, Wang L, Cao J, Dai D et al: Early Weaning and Milk Substitutes Affect the Gut Microbiome, Metabolomics, and Antibody Profile in Goat Kids Suffering From Diarrhea. Front Microbiol 2022, 13:904475.
6. Zhong T, Wang C, Wang M, Zhan S, Freitas-de-Melo A, Wang L, Cao J, Dai D, Guo J, Li L et al: Transcriptomic Profiling of Circular RNAs in the Goat Rumen During Fetal and Prepubertal Period. Front Physiol 2022, 13:858991.
7. Zhong T, Zhou J, Zhan S, Wang L, Niu L, Guo J, Li L, Zhang H: Molecular Characteristics, Phylogeny and Expression Profile of the PTEN Gene in Goats. Biochemical genetics 2020.
8. Zhong T, Wang C, Hu JT, Chen XY, Niu LL, Zhan SY, Wang LJ, Guo JZ, Cao JX, Li L et al: Comparison of MicroRNA Transcriptomes Reveals the Association between MiR-148a-3p Expression and Rumen Development in Goats. Animals-Basel 2020, 10(11).
9. Zhan S, Qin C, Li D, Zhao W, Nie L, Cao J, Guo J, Zhong T, Wang L, Li L et al: A Novel Long Noncoding RNA, lncR-125b, Promotes the Differentiation of Goat Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells by Sponging miR-125b. Front Genet 2019, 10:1171.
10. Wang L, Yang X, Zhu Y, Zhan S, Chao Z, Zhong T, Guo J, Wang Y, Li L, Zhang H: Genome-Wide Identification and Characterization of Long Noncoding RNAs of Brown to White Adipose Tissue Transformation in Goats. Cells 2019, 8(8).
11. Wang L, Liu X, Zhan S, Guo J, Yang S, Zhong T, Li L, Zhang H, Wang Y: Inhibition of GSK3beta Reduces Ectopic Lipid Accumulation and Induces Autophagy by the AMPK Pathway in Goat Muscle Satellite Cells. Cells 2019, 8(11).
12. Li L, Chen Y, Nie L, Ding X, Zhang X, Zhao W, Xu X, Kyei B, Dai D, Zhan S et al: MyoD-induced circular RNA CDR1as promotes myogenic differentiation of skeletal muscle satellite cells. Biochim Biophys Acta Gene Regul Mech 2019, 1862(8):807-821.
13. Zhao W, Yang H, Li J, Chen Y, Cao J, Zhong T, Wang L, Guo J, Li L, Zhang H: MiR-183 promotes preadipocyte differentiation by suppressing Smad4 in goats. Gene 2018, 666:158-164.
14. Zhang Y, Li L, Wang Q, Zhan S, Wang L, Zhong T, Guo J, Zhang H: Fibroblast growth factor 21 induces lipolysis more efficiently than it suppresses lipogenesis in goat adipocytes. Cytotechnology 2018, 70(5):1423-1433.
15. Zhan S, Zhao W, Song T, Dong Y, Guo J, Cao J, Zhong T, Wang L, Li L, Zhang H: Dynamic transcriptomic analysis in hircine longissimus dorsi muscle from fetal to neonatal development stages. Functional & integrative genomics 2018, 18(1):43-54.
16. Xiao P, Niu LL, Zhao QJ, Chen XY, Wang LJ, Li L, Zhang HP, Guo JZ, Xu HY, Zhong T: New insights into mitogenomic phylogeny and copy number in eight indigenous sheep populations based on the ATP synthase and cytochrome c oxidase genes. Animal 2018, 12(7):1341-1349.
17. Wang L, Xue K, Wang Y, Niu L, Li L, Zhong T, Guo J, Feng J, Song T, Zhang H: Molecular and functional characterization of the adiponectin (AdipoQ) gene in goat skeletal muscle satellite cells. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci 2018, 31(8):1088-1097.
18. Niu L, Shi K, Xie JJ, Liu S, Zhong T: Divergent Evolutional Mode and Purifying Selection of the KIT Gene in European and Asian Domestic Pig Breeds. Biomed Res Int 2018, 2018:8932945.
19. Li X, Wang Y, Guo J, Zhong T, Li L, Zhang H, Wang L: Identification and expression patterns of adipokine genes during adipocyte differentiation in the Tibetan goat (Capra hircus). Gene 2018, 643:17-25.
20. Guo J, Tao H, Li P, Li L, Zhong T, Wang L, Ma J, Chen X, Song T, Zhang H: Whole-genome sequencing reveals selection signatures associated with important traits in six goat breeds. Scientific reports 2018, 8(1):10405.
21. Deng J, Feng J, Li L, Zhong T, Wang L, Guo J, Ba G, Song T, Zhang H: Polymorphisms, differentiation, and phylogeny of 10 Tibetan goat populations inferred from mitochondrial D-loop sequences. Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal 2018, 29(3):439-445.
1. 研究生《动物生产学》、《畜牧领域案例研究》
2. 本科生《草食动物生产学》